Task Force sending delegate to the United Nations COP27 in Egypt

From November 6-18, 2022, the 27th annual United Nations Conference on Climate Change, known officially as the Conference of the Parties, or COP, will take place in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. More than 40,000 people from across the globe are expected to attend. The Cellular Phone Task Force is sending New Mexico resident Kathleen Burke to COP27 to promote the body of research of Santa Fe scientist and author Arthur Firstenberg, whose work focuses on the ongoing destruction of life on Earth by microwave radiation.

Kathleen is attending COP27 as an official observer for the League of Women Voters U.S., which as an official observer organization to the COP is allocated a quota of members to attend. One of those representing the League at COP26, last year in Glasgow, Scotland, was environmental lawyer Lora Lucero, also of New Mexico. “Politicians and countries won’t act, can’t act, fast enough to move us off the destructive path we’re on,” said Lora, explaining her reasons for attending. “Business-as-usual, including the strength of the fossil fuel industry and the lack of political imagination will doom our future generations. We cannot let the leaders lead. People must lead — and force the politicians to catch up with us, pressing leaders to act consistently with the climate reality. Public engagement will tip the scales.”

Kathleen, hired as executive assistant to Mr. Firstenberg earlier this year will carry his work to the Conference.  She expects to spend time both inside at the official proceedings as well as outside at protests and demonstrations.

Among the documents she will take to the Conference will be Arthur’s updated Radio Wave Packet, his research on the Birds on Texel Island, and the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space (see banner at the top of this newsletter). Kathleen will also promote an international campaign that we will launch this month, about which details will be reported in our next newsletter.

Kathleen will be spreading our message in Egypt both by her words, and by example: she will be traveling and attending without a cell phone. We wish her a safe and productive journey!

The Cellular Phone Task Force will be funding her travel to Egypt, as well as her lodging and expenses. Donations are needed to make this possible. The Cellular Phone Task Force is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and donations from U.S. residents are tax-deductible. Our Tax ID Number is 11-3394550.


Arthur Firstenberg, President Cellular Phone Task Force Author, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life Administrator, International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space P.O. Box 6216 Santa Fe, NM 87502 USA phone: +1 505-471-0129 info@cellphonetaskforce.org October 4, 2022

The last 47 newsletters, including this one, are available for viewing on the Newsletters page of the Cellular Phone Task Force. Some of the newsletters are also available there in German, Spanish, Italian, French, Norwegian, and Dutch. To share on Facebook:


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Frequently Asked Questions

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FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What is wireless technology?

Wireless technology is any means of sending information or energy through space without wires. It includes:

satellites, radar, radio, television, cell towers, cell phones, cordless phones, microwave ovens smart meters, WiFi, Bluetooth, fitness trackers, smart watches, baby monitors wireless keyboards, mice, printers, headphones and speakers, wireless security systems, wireless car keys, wireless garage door openers, wireless battery chargers, remote controls, wireless microphones RFID chips in credit cards and driver’s licenses, radio collars and chips in wildlife, cattle and pets, chips in home appliances wireless hearing aids, assistive listening devices, medical alert pendants, chips in medical implants, wireless pacemakers autonomous vehicles, drones, and robots numerous other radio-enabled devices that are proliferating in today’s world

Every one of these devices, without exception, emits radiation.

What’s wrong with wireless technology?

By substituting radiation for wires, we are swimming in an ocean of artificial electromagnetic fields that are interfering with life itself. We are in effect electrocuting ourselves, our children, our pets, the insects, birds, animals, trees and plants around us and all of living creation. We are killing our planet.

This is about long-term exposure, right? Cancer that takes years to develop?

No. The effects are rapid. Heart rate changes immediately. Blood sugar rises in minutes. Having wireless devices on in your house interferes with your sleep and your memory. Using a cell phone destroys brain cells in minutes to hours, and can cause a stroke or a heart attack. Studies show that even cancer can develop within months of first exposure. When a cell tower is turned on, birds leave the area immediately. Insects disappear. Even slugs and snails vanish. Most of this takes no time at all.

What types of radiation are used in wireless technology?

All frequencies of radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, lasers, sound waves, even nuclear radiation. Most home devices use microwaves.

Isn’t microwave radiation natural? Don’t microwaves come from the sun and stars?

Almost all the radiation we receive from the universe is the light and heat from the sun, not microwave radiation. The microwave radiation a person receives from an average cell tower is millions of times stronger than all the microwave radiation from the sun and stars. The microwave radiation a person’s brain receives from their cell phone is billions of times stronger than the microwave radiation from the sun and stars. And at any particular frequency it is trillions of times stronger than the microwave radiation he or she receives from the sun and stars at that frequency. And the faint microwaves from the sun and stars are not pulsed and modulated. It is the pulsations and modulation that cause much of the harm.

Aren’t light and microwaves both electromagnetic? Therefore isn’t microwave radiation safe?

No. That is like saying arsenic is safe because oxygen and arsenic are both elements, or that cyanide is safe because water and cyanide are both chemicals. But oxygen and water are necessary for life, while arsenic and cyanide are deadly poisons. It is the same with electromagnetic radiation. Visible light is necessary for life. Microwave radiation is a deadly poison.

Aren’t toxic chemicals more harmful than electromagnetic radiation?

Electromagnetism is more complex and more fundamental than chemistry. Electromagnetism shapes the sun and stars. Electromagnetism animates life. Electromagnetism is behind chemistry. There is no “chemical force” in the universe. Outside of atomic nuclei, there is only gravity and electromagnetism. Electromagnetism guides everything we see, including ourselves. Chemistry is an effect, not a cause.

Can’t we find safe frequencies? Won’t that solve the problem?

That is looking at both wireless technology and life too simplistically.

Most wireless technology has only one goal: to transmit information to computers, information of great complexity and variety. It is not simple, constant radiation of one amplitude and one frequency: such radiation would carry no information. Instead, it is multiple large frequency bands, each divided into hundreds, thousands, and millions of individual frequencies of all different bandwidths, overlapping and interacting, pulsed at an enormous variety of intervals, in an enormous variety of shapes, patterns and durations, all over the world. Even a single signal from a single device has a variety of amplitudes, frequencies and pulsations, and is modulated in complex ways in order to carry all the information needed to be read by a cell phone or computer.

Life has to also carry an enormous, almost infinite complexity of information in its nervous systems and its meridians, and to store and process this information in its cells, organs and chakras, and in its DNA which is shared and circulated among trillions of individuals of 50 million different species, all connected to one another and to the earth, sky and universe in a grand circuit of energy and information.

The artificial cloud of energy and information is interfering with, overpowering and destroying the natural, living circuitry of energy and information. It cannot be otherwise.

What about LiFi? If light is safe, why not use light instead of microwaves?

Light is a nutrient. We absorb it with our eyes, and into our blood. It is necessary for health. It regulates our biorhythms. Green plants need it for photosynthesis. We absorb more of the pulsations and modulation frequencies when they are carried into our bodies by light than when they are carried into our bodies by microwaves. LiFi is more harmful to life than WiFi.

Cell phones are much smaller than cell towers. Doesn’t that mean they are safer? Doesn’t it mean the radiation does not travel as far?

Cell phones and cell towers emit the same radiation; size has nothing to do with it. The main difference is that a cell tower emits as many signals simultaneously as there are cell phones communicating with it at that time, whereas a cell phone only emits one voice channel and one data channel. A cell tower therefore emits stronger


Guidance to governments, legislators, environmental organizations, schools, and religious, political and community leaders.

English   français   italiano   svenska   日本語

Newly Revised and Expanded: RADIO WAVE PACKET What You Need to Know about Wireless Technology

English   français   italiano   norsk     Nederlands  svenska  日本語


Available Now!

THE INVISIBLE RAINBOW A History of Electricity and Life

by Arthur Firstenberg paperback $24.95 available from Chelsea Green Publishing

Also available in: Deutsch   Español    Français   Italiano   Norsk   Русский  български   日本語    한국어 (vol. 1)   한국어 (vol. 2)   Nederlands                                                  

“I found it to be a mystery unfolding and could not put it down. This book is very, very important.

– Sandy Ross, Ph.D. President, Health and Habitat, Inc.

“As a medical doctor I found it hard to put down.”

– Bradley Johnson, M.D. Amen Center, San Francisco

“Just as Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring warned the mid-twentieth century about the dangers of indiscriminate chemical and pesticide use, Arthur Firstenberg’s Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life provides a comprehensive analysis of the perils of electricity’s proliferation and exposure to its electromagnetic radiation.”

– Kate Showers, Ph.D., University of Sussex

Electricity is at once the spark of life and the undoing of it. To what extent is our present environmental crisis a result of this contradiction? Where, exactly, did the modern epidemics of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease come from, and why are they out of control? Just how dangerous are computers and cell phones? This groundbreaking book supplies the answers to these and other questions. It is a must-read that begins in the year 1746 and explains what has gone wrong and what must change if we are to survive. A breaker of taboos and an antidote to two centuries of denial, this book is uplifting. An entertaining tale and a resource for researchers, it is a road map to how we came to be where we are, and a window to a possible, necessary, more alive future.


OUR MISSION The Cellular Phone Task Force is dedicated to halting the expansion of wireless technology because it cannot be made safe. We provide: education to the public concerning electromagnetic pollution (electrosmog) advocacy for an electromagnetically cleaner environment support for individuals disabled by radiation from wireless technology and other sources.