Astronomers in court against FCC and SpaceX


On December 29, 2022, the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) sued the U.S. Federal Communications Commission over its decision to approve SpaceX’s application for up to 30,000 more low-orbit satellites, in addition to the 12,000 already approved and in process of filling our skies. This is Case No. 22-1337 before the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, and has not yet been decided by the court.

Long-exposure photographs of the sky by astronomers already look like this:

The above photo was taken by an amateur astronomer in a suburban location in Western Australia. The circular tracks are stars. The much brighter straight tracks are all satellites, except for one track which is a meteor.

Below is a 77-minute exposure taken by astronomer Dave Thanatos in Salisbury, England. In this darker location, the circular tracks of the stars are brighter than the straight tracks of the meteors and satellites which, however, fill the entire frame of the photograph. There are only 10 meteors in this picture. All the other straight tracks are satellites. And as Scottish astronomer Andy Lawrence, lead author of “The Case for Space Environmentalism,” said, “Good luck telling the difference!”

American plasma physicist Sierra Solter implored the FCC to “please save our night sky… Please, please, don’t take away my stars. To feel that my place of comfort and calm — a starry sky — is being taken away and given to billionaires is suffocating.”

On December 18, 2023, Ms. Solter published a scientific article detailing her fear for our planet. Each of the 42,000 planned Starlink satellites, she wrote, has a design lifespan of only 5 years, after which it will be de-orbited, burned up in the atmosphere, and replaced. She calculated that this will require 23 satellites per day — each the size of an SUV or truck — to be burned up in the atmosphere forever into the future, leaving an enormous amount of toxic chemicals and metallic dust to accumulate in the air we breathe and in the ionosphere.

This is already happening, she wrote, and should be stopped if we value our lives. “Since the beginning of the space industry, approximately 20,000 tons of material have been demolished during reentry… This amount is over 100 billion times greater than [the mass of] the Van Allen Belts.” She estimated that if 42,000 Starlink satellites are deployed and regularly demolished — let alone the 1,000,000 satellites planned by other companies and governments — “every second the space industry is adding approximately 2,000 times more conductive material than mass of the Van Allen Belts into the ionosphere.”

“Unlike meteorites, which are small and only contain trace amounts of aluminum, these wrecked spacecraft are huge and consist entirely of aluminum and other exotic, highly conductive materials,” she explained in an April 16, 2024 article in The Guardian.

Much of the metallic dust will settle into the ionosphere where, she says, it could act as a magnetic shield, reducing the magnitude of the Earth’s magnetic field in space. If that happens, the atmosphere itself could eventually be destroyed, because the Earth’s magnetic field — the magnetosphere — is what deflects the solar wind and prevents it from stripping away Earth’s atmosphere, as she told Teresa Pulterova in an interview on

Other astronomers involved in the litigation before the FCC and now the Court of Appeals include Meredith Rawls with the Vera C. Rubin Observatory in Chile; Gary Hunt with Action Against Satellite Light Pollution in the UK; Samantha Lawler at the University of Regina in Canada; Graeme Cuffy of Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago; Mark Phillips, President of the Astronomical Society of Edinburgh; Roberto Trotta of the Imperial Centre for Inference and Cosmology in London; Carrie Nugent, Associate Professor of Computational Physics and Planetary Science at the Olin College of Engineering in Massachusetts; and Cameron Nelson of Tenzing Startup Consultants in Virginia.

Other issues are also mentioned in the appeal. For example, the burned up aluminum produces aluminum oxide, which destroys ozone and contributes to climate change. So does the water vapor, soot, and nitrogen oxides in rocket exhaust.

Cameron Nelson told the FCC that “Humans, not to mention all other animal and plant life, have not given our consent for SpaceX to send the signals it is proposing into our bodies and irrevocably alter us.”

The BroadBand International Legal Action Network (BBILAN) mentioned “RF/EMF radiation from linked base and earth stations” in comments sent to the FCC. Starlink earth stations, also called Gateways, are far more powerful than the Starlink dishes that people are putting on their homes. The (as of March 2024) 2.6 million Starlink dishes each send one signal up to the moving network of satellites above them. All of this traffic is coordinated in space by thousands of lasers linking the satellites to one another, and on the ground by Gateways, which relay the thousands of signals in a large geographic area to and from the satellites. This is what a Gateway with 5 antennas (“radomes”) looks like:

Some Gateways have up to 40 radomes. Each of those domes weighs 1750 kilograms. Each aims a narrow beam at moving satellites. According to FCC filings by SpaceX, each beam can have an effective radiated power of more than 1,000,000 watts, which it can aim as low as 25 degrees above the horizon. If you are a bird you do not want to fly anywhere near a Starlink Gateway. And if you are a human you do not want to live near one either. When a satellite aims its beam containing thousands of signals at a Gateway, that beam is about 10 miles in diameter by the time it reaches the Earth.

Robin is a subscriber who lives in a remote area of Idaho less than 3 miles from the Starlink Gateway in Colburn.

Power level is irrelevant


Just one violin out of tune in an orchestra, or one voice off-key in a choir, will ruin a beautiful harmony, or an enchanting ensemble. It matters not how loudly it grates, or how softly; if it does not stop, the performance will come to an end.

So it is with the cells of our bodies, and of the birds, insects, animals and plants whose music fills the Earth. When a jarring note is introduced, no matter how softly, chords become discords, melody becomes noise, life degrades and disappears.

Life, Information, and Electricity

The cohesion of life does not come from chemistry. It comes from the Earth, Sun and stars.

K.H. Li wrote, in his forward to the book, Electromagnetic Bio-Information:

“It is the informational aspect of biological systems that characterizes the essential view of life. And this is less reflected by biochemical findings, but rather by a level beyond the domain of chemical reactivity, namely that of electromagnetic fields.” [1]

Nikolai Kositsky, Aljona Nizhelska and Grigory Ponezha reviewed 40 years of research in Ukraine and Russia and concluded:

“Biological effects [of electromagnetic radiation] depend not on the strength of the energy carried into one or another system, but on the information carried into it.” [2]

Grundler and F. Kaiser wrote:

“Living cells exhibit a high degree of information processing and communication… It is clearly demonstrated that a fast oscillating, very weak outer field is influencing biological reactions of cells… We have to take into account an ‘internal’ oscillator (the cell itself or parts of the cell or of its environment) coupling with the outer field.” [3]

John Zimmerman and Vernon Rogers wrote:

“Electromagnetic bioinformation depends on the ability of organisms to emit, receive, and interpret spatiotemporal patterns of electromagnetic fields.” [4]

Herbert L. König, a student of Winfried Schumann, wrote:

“Electromagnetic forces in general must play a role of an as yet incalculable importance in the information transfer between or to living organisms.” [5]

Ulrich Warnke wrote:

“The communicative form of antennae contact in bees and ants can be registered by an oscillograph. Every time a short contact occurs between the antennae a signal is generated in the electrolyte system of the recipient in the form of an impulse.” [6]

Günther Becker showed that the rate of gallery building by termites was affected by the existence of termites in an adjoining container, but not if the wall between them was shielded with a conductive material. “These results indicate that communication among termite groups is based on either electric or electromagnetic fields produced by the insects,” he wrote. [7]

Bernhard Ruth wrote that the growth of plants and animals cannot be explained in terms of chemical reactions because “all chemical reactions occur equally in all directions” and biological growth is directional. “The existing cells of an organism have to determine when and where a new cell is to be generated by mitosis. This can only be achieved by means of an information transfer which stimulates the required cell to divide, and which is not emitted in all directions homogenously.” [8]

Helmut A. Fischer wrote:

“There is good reason for believing that, in addition to mechanical and chemical forms of communication, there are more biophysical ways of communication… The findings made so far confirm that the biochemical processes in a cell, besides thermic effects, also elicit other electromagnetic signals.” [9]

Igor Jerman wrote:

“Coherent electromagnetic oscillations in cells permit ordered intermolecular processes and highly selective attractions between enzymes and substrates. These oscillations… represent an important means of intercellular long-range connection and thus have an important role in maintaining an intercellular order… Neoplasms follow from the fact that some of the cells within the organism escape from the intercellular coherent field and thus from the intercellular order.” [10]

Living cells emit signals throughout the electromagnetic spectrum

In their study, “Electromagnetic emission at micron wavelengths from active nerves,” Allan Fraser and Allan Frey measured infrared emissions from nerves with wavelengths between 2 and 20 microns, at a strength of 6 μW/cm2. [11]

Bernhard Ruth detected light photons emitted by plants:

“The light intensity emitted by seedlings of wheat, beans, lentils and corn varied between 700 cps (counts per second) and 250 cps… The spectral distribution extended from 400 nm to 600 nm… Yeast cells show a radiation of between 150 and 380 nm.” [8]

Shou Sin-Sung wrote that “DNA is a possible radiation source.” [12]

A.H. Jafary-Asl and Cyril W. Smith detected radio frequency signals from yeast at a frequency of 8 MHz. [13]

Herbert A. Pohl detected signals at 7 and 33 kHz from a species of algae. [14]

Kent Pollock and Douglas G. Pohl in dielectrophoresis studies detected RF emissions from mouse cells at frequencies between 4 and 9 MHz. Similar emissions were detected from cells from bacteria, yeast, worms, chickens, frogs, monkeys, and humans. Maximum emissions occurred during cell division, and no emissions from dead cells:

“The evidence from the m-DEP experiments and from the closely related pattern experiments consistently indicate that cells are producing radio frequency electric fields.” [15]

Sergey Sit’ko and his colleagues measured emissions from the human body between 37-78 GHz at 10-15 to 10-16 mW/cm2Hz. [16]

It takes little or no power to interfere with life

Allan Frey wrote:

“Electromagnetic fields are not a foreign substance to living beings like lead or cyanide. With foreign substances, the greater the dose, the greater the effect — a dose-response relationship. Rather, living beings are electrochemical systems that use very low frequency EMFs in everything from protein folding through cellular communication to nervous system function. To model how EMFs affect living beings, one might compare them to the radio we use to listen to music.

“The EMF signal the radio detects and transduces into the sound of music is almost unmeasurably weak. At the same time, there are, in toto, strong EMFs impinging on

An Autumn's Tale


Imagine a world in which everyone was convinced to point a musical gun at their head, which shot a continuous stream of tiny bullets, so small that they caused no pain. But every bullet destroyed brain cells on its way through the skull. Imagine millions of gun towers strafing the surface of the earth 24/7 with similar bullets, entertaining the people while destroying all life.

And all the plants and animals were sickening and dying, and the humans were sick and having strokes and heart attacks, but because the bullets were so tiny, few people realized why. Plant biologists blamed the decline on acid rain. Ornithologists blamed influenza. Entomologists blamed climate change and pesticides. The medical profession blamed diet and lack of exercise, and an ever-expanding list of bacteria and viruses.

And here and there, a very few people were screaming, STOP! THROW AWAY YOUR GUNS! TAKE DOWN THE GUN TOWERS! DISABLE THE SATELLITES THAT ARE STRAFING THE EARTH! But because everyone was busy listening to the music, they paid no attention. And the people screaming, who were also sick and having strokes and heart attacks, went to their doctors who, instead of sounding a worldwide alarm, told their patients “You must be gun sensitive” and gave them tranquilizers and antidepressants so they would go away and stop screaming.

And so these people concluded there must be something wrong with them. They formed support groups for people with gun sensitivity, and asked the rest of the world to please take pity on them and stop shooting them. And when there was no place left in the world that was not being strafed, they pleaded with their governments to please establish refuges where they could live out their lives free from bullets. But no one took them seriously.


That is the world we live in today.

“Electromagnetic hypersensitivity” (EHS) is a term that allows doctors to pretend that electricity is harmless, and that radiation does not injure their patients. It allows people who have discovered they can feel electricity and radiation to pretend that there is something wrong with them and that everyone else does not feel it. It allows environmentalists to pretend that the vanishing of birds and wildlife and the collapse of the Earth’s life support systems are due to something else. And it allows people who use cell phones to pretend they do not feel the radiation and that their insomnia, headaches, joint pains, digestive problems, panic attacks, memory loss, tinnitus, nosebleeds, high blood pressure, heart failure, neurological problems, and diabetes are caused by something else.

It is late autumn here in Santa Fe.

And it is late autumn in the life of the Earth. We must prevent winter from coming, for there will be no spring if it does. It is up to all of us.

Arthur Firstenberg President, Cellular Phone Task Force Author, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life P.O. Box 6216 Santa Fe, NM 87502 USA phone: +1 505-471-0129 December 12, 2023

Subscribe to my newsletters. View past newsletters. Donate to our work. CPTF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Electrosmog Policy Brief

Guidance to governments, legislators, environmental organizations, schools, and religious, political and community leaders. If your organization wishes to join in supporting this brief, please email us.

Key Points The study of electricity should be restored to biology and medicine. Personal wireless communication must be phased out because the radiation that carries all the messages is destroying life on earth. Mobile phones must be replaced with landline phones, WiFi with ethernet cables, and other wireless consumer devices with devices connected by wires and cables. Mobile phone antennas and masts must be phased out and removed. Wireless technology must be removed from vehicles. Smart meters must be replaced with analog meters. Smart highways, smart cities, and the Internet of Things must cease being developed and deployed. Radar stations must be limited in number, location and power. Radar (microwave) ovens should not be used for heating food. An international treaty on electrosmog, addressing radiation on land, in the oceans, and in space, must be drafted. Introduction

Electrosmog is the totality of the electric fields, magnetic fields, and electromagnetic radiation that bathes us 24/7 from all electrical and electronic devices, electric wires, power lines, and wireless devices and antennas. With wired communication, information is transmitted via the wires, and the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and radiation are unintentional. Proper engineering can reduce these unwanted fields and radiation to a minimum.

By contrast, with wireless communication, the radiation is the product. Radiation substitutes for wires in transmitting information. Wireless means radiation. The ability to use a mobile device everywhere on earth means that every square meter of the earth must be irradiated at all times. Mobile devices operate in the microwave spectrum, with the result that the entire planet is now swimming in a sea of microwave radiation that is millions to billions of times stronger than the radiation from the sun and stars with which life evolved (1).

Life is based not only on chemistry but more fundamentally on electricity (2, 3). The unimpeded flow of electrons is essential to the functioning of our nerves, heart, and metabolism (3). Interference with these electric currents causes neurological diseases, heart disease, metabolic diseases such as diabetes, and cancer (4). Organisms that have a very high metabolism, such as bees and other insects, are being wiped out (5, 6). Thousands of studies document the devastating effects of wireless radiation on mammals, birds, insects, amphibians, and forests (7).

Because EMFs are not a foreign substance to living beings, a toxicology model does not apply and there is not a dose response: reducing the power does not reduce the effect. Even a signal that is almost immeasurably weak can interfere with normal biological functioning (8). “While the dose rate/SAR concept is adequate for description of acute thermal effects, it is not applicable for chronic exposures to N[on]T[hermal] M[icro]W[aves].” (9). Even at near-zero power levels, microwave radiation has been found to change the structure of DNA (10) and alter brain waves (11). Some studies have even found an inverse dose response. When the power of the radiation was reduced 1000-fold, damage to the blood-brain barrier increased (12). A review of 113 studies found that radiation with the lowest power tended to cause the greatest ecological damage (5). In another review of 108 experimental studies, a lower exposure level tended to have a greater biological effect, and the difference was highly significant (p < 0.001) (13).

The damage done to our health and our world by wireless devices and their infrastructure is caused not only by the microwave carrier frequencies, but also by the low-frequency modulation and pulsations that carry the transmitted information. “Thus modulation can be considered as information content embedded in the higher frequency carrier wave that may have health consequences beyond any effect from the carrier wave directly” (14). No matter what the carrier wave, the modulation is the same because it has to carry the same information. Therefore using light as the carrier wave, as is being done over short distances with LiFi, or using sound as the carrier wave, as is being done in the oceans, does not reduce the harm.

The finding that only a single two-hour exposure to a mobile phone during their lifetime, even when the power of the phone was reduced 100-fold, caused permanent brain damage in young rats (15) makes it likely that we are raising, and perhaps have already raised, a generation of children with brain damage. There is no question but that this must cease, and that cell phones are not safe at any power level, at any distance from the head, and for any duration.

Purpose of This Document

This policy brief provides an overview of an immediate threat to life on earth—even more immediate than climate change—that has been allowed to get completely out of control because it has been completely ignored. The source of the threat is a technology to which everyone has become addicted, and which, during the past two and a half decades, has become firmly entrenched in every aspect of life. Although more scientific studies have been published on the health and environmental effects of EMFs than on almost any other pollutant except for mercury and tobacco smoke, the impact of all this research upon public policy to date has been zero. Average citizens still do not even know that a mobile device emits radiation. Much less do they suspect that it is causing them brain damage or threatening their life and their future on this planet. The purpose of this brief is to outline actions that are required to be taken by political leaders, religious leaders, environmental organizations, public schools, medical schools and doctors to educate the public and to begin to dismantle this existential threat to the earth.

Essential Actions Required by National and International Leaders and Organizations

I. An International Treaty or Convention on Electrosmog must be adopted by all nations

The number of antennas and their distance from people

Our Trampled World


  OUR TRAMPLED WORLD by Chellis Glendinning



Look at the world. It’s a pathetic sight, isn’t it?

Terrifying wars, justified by archaic theories and driven by times of unbridled expansion. “Leaders” who, with every breath, lie and govern for their own aggrandizement and their own portfolios; villagers who follow them without paying attention to them. Or children being blind admirers of them as if they were gods of the Great Father. Meanwhile, the corporate economy continues out of control, cities of millions without a future, ungovernable countries, bans on independent thoughts… And in addition, epidemics of deadly diseases due to the disruption of habitats of microorganisms and animals.

Ours is not just “a difficult moment in history”; it may be the culmination of a millennium of horrors perpetrated by humans… and our last chance to survive.

During the years 1980-1990, other forces of interdisciplinary thought arose as challenges to the fractionated “either-or” ideology of Western societies, including one called eco-psychology. In part, the motive was to understand the links between the mental/psychological/spiritual state current in today’s world and the loss of connection with nature, which had determined the evolution of humans for two million years (Note: eco-psychology did not flourish as a substitute for historical, social or political perspectives that explain well the fragmentation that lies as a foundation of Western societies; it is more like an amplification, another stream of reflection).

As we know, when humans come face-to-face with a reality too difficult to bear, their nervous systems, psyches and hearts refuse to receive the information. Instead of acknowledging and accepting such a reality, we deny its existence. And we send partial or complete knowledge into a trunk in our psyches where there is no memory.

But, like a dog desperately scratching the door, the truth knocks and screams for recognition in the form of mental disturbances and too strong emotional disorders. In another effort to avoid reality, we can tie up these unrelated situations and people so they appear more manageable: we elaborate theories to explain the anguish; we invent enemies; we resort to rigid ideologies. Thus…

But what lies at the bottom of such diseases? Can it be the worst thing we can imagine? That our own home — this wondrous planet that sustains the miracle of Life — is dying?

Every day more animals, actually entire species, suffer the fate of the dinosaur: they disappear. The sea cow. The Irish moose. The dolphin of the Yangtze River. Spix’s macaw (Note: we are animals too). Polar icebergs fall into the sea like ice cubes in a microwave oven. There are droughts everywhere, fires run out of control, earthquakes swallow whole cities, floods wash away homes. Meanwhile, temperatures zigzag between historical extremes, and plants, not knowing which season is present, lose their ability to produce flowers, fruits and seeds. Bees in hives die from the poison of pesticides and from the radiation from WiFi, phones and antennas.

It is easier for the brain to shout hatred against other humans. Or to boldly announce that climate change does not exist. Or to kill the wife. Or to inject heroin. Or to go shopping for fashionable shoes. Yes, it is easier than facing the colossal possibility that the wonders of Creation are leaving… forever, no?

But, considering the urgency that we live for the continuity of Life, can we wake up and admit the mourning that underlies our terrifying predicament of an end to the Future itself?

The above was originally published in Spanish in Correo del Sur, a newspaper of Sucre, Bolivia, where Chellis resides:


Mira al mundo. Es una visión patética, ¿no?

Guerras aterradoras  — conducidas justificándose por teorías arcaicas e impulsadas por épocas de expansión desenfrenada. “Líderes” quienes, con cada aliento, mienten y gobiernan para sus propios agrandamientos y sus propias carteras; además, pobladores que los siguen sin prestarles atención. O niños siendo a ciegas admiradores de ellos como si fueran dioses del Gran Padre. Mientras tanto, la economía corporativa continúa fuera de control, ciudades de millones de habitantes sin un futuro, países ingobernables, prohibiciones contra pensamientos independientes… Además, hay epidemias de enfermedades mortales por la disrupción de hábitats de microorganismos y animales.

Lo nuestro no es solo “un momento difícil en la historia”; puede ser la culminación de un milenio de horrores perpetrados por humanos… y nuestra última oportunidad para sobrevivir.

Durante los años 1980-1990 surgieron otros esfuerzos de pensamiento de modo interdisciplinario como desafíos a la ideología fraccionada de “either-or” de sociedades occidentales, incluyendo una llamada eco-psicología. En parte, el motivo era comprender los vínculos entre el estado mental/psicológico/espiritual corriente en el mundo de hoy y la pérdida de conexión con la naturaleza, la que había determinado la evolución de humanos por dos millones de años (Nota: la eco-psicología no floreció como un suplente por perspectivas históricas, sociales o políticas que explican bien la fragmentación que radica como una fundación de sociedades occidentales; es más como una amplificación, un otro riachuelo de reflexión).

Como sabemos, cuando humanos se ven cara-a-cara con una realidad demasiado difícil para aguantar, los sistemas de nervios, las psiques y los corazones rechazan recibir la información. En vez de reconocer y aceptar tal realidad, negamos su existencia. Y enviamos conocimiento parcial o completo a un baúl en nuestras psiques donde no hay memoria.

Pero, como un perro desesperadamente rascando la puerta, la verdad llama y grita por reconocimiento en forma de disturbios mentales y trastornos emocionales demasiado fuertes. En otro esfuerzo de evitar la realidad, podemos atar estas situaciones y personas sin relación que aparecen más manejables: elaboramos teorías para explicar la angustia; inventamos a enemigos; recurrimos a ideologías rígidas. Así…

Pero, ¿qué reside al fondo de tales enfermedades? ¿Puede ser lo peor que podemos imaginar? ¿Que nuestro propio hogar  — este planeta maravilloso que sostiene el milagro de la Vida —  está muriendo?

Cada día más animales, en realidad especies enteras, sufren el destino

100 Consequences of owning a cell phone


Destruction of brain cells Stroke Seizures Tremors Multiple sclerosis ALS Memory loss Early Alzheimer’s disease Heart attack Heart disease Cardiac arrhythmia Heart palpitations High blood pressure Chest pain Brain cancer Breast cancer Thyroid cancer Lung cancer Prostate cancer Colon cancer Ovarian cancer Testicular cancer Melanoma Obesity Diabetes Hypothyroidism Respiratory infections Asthma Infertility Spontaneous abortion Birth defects Hair loss Hair losing color Osteoporosis Broken bones Constipation Diarrhea Eye pain Dry eyes Cataracts Retinal detachment Glaucoma Decreased sense of smell Tinnitus Hearing loss Inability to concentrate Headaches Insomnia Sleep Apnea Nightmares Fatigue Dizziness Vertigo Nausea Carpal tunnel syndrome Muscle pains Joint pains Hip replacement Knee replacement Numbness Tingling Nosebleeds Irritability Nervousness Anxiety Depression ADHD Autism Paranoia Skin rash Depression in children Suicides by children Heart attacks in young people Strokes in young people Cancers in pets Shortened lives of pets Proliferation of cell towers to enable cell phones to work Proliferation of satellites to enable cell phones to work Disappearance of birds Deaths of birds Disappearance of bats Disappearance of insects Disappearance of worms Disappearance of frogs Disappearance of wildlife Deaths of wildlife Dead and dying plants Dead and dying trees Dead and dying marine life Child slavery in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Genocide in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Extermination of the lowland gorilla Genocide in West Papua Massive pollution of groundwater in China Enormous amount of electricity to power the cloud Enormous amounts of toxic waste Enormous amounts of discarded plastic Loss of touch with nature Social isolation Loss of touch with reality


Arthur Firstenberg, President Cellular Phone Task Force Author, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life Administrator, International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space Caretaker, ECHOEarth (End Cellphones Here On Earth P.O. Box 6216 Santa Fe, NM 87502 USA phone: +1 505-471-0129 April 12, 2022

Help us continue our work. Donations from US residents are tax-deductible. The Cellular Phone Task Force is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our Tax ID number is 11-3394550.


The last 55 newsletters, including this one, are available on the Newsletters page of the Cellular Phone Task Force.  Share on Facebook: f


The Great


In 1918, just 15 years after the Wright Brothers took their first flights, American soldiers in France were describing clouds that sometimes formed behind airplanes. Captain Ward S. Wells, for example, wrote from the Bois de Hess, behind Montfaucon (Scientific American, June 7, 1919, p. 601):

There were two or three days of rain, when came a wonderfully clear and beautiful morning with not a cloud in sight… Our attention was first drawn to the sky by the sudden appearance of several strange and startling clouds — long, graceful, looping ribbons of white. They were tapering to a point at one end… On close observation we noticed some distance ahead of each cloud point the tiny speck of a chase plane. Apparently the churning of the air was all that was needed to upset the delicately balanced meteorological conditions and precipitate this strange cloud formation. 

German geophysicist, meteorologist and astronomer Alfred Wegener, who first advanced the theory of continental drift, also described persistent contrails. Writing in January 1920, he described a cloud 50 kilometers long that formed behind three airplanes that flew over Munich, and explained the physics behind it.

On May 9, 1919, and again on May 11, German pilot Zeno Diemer, flying at an altitude of 30,000 feet, at a temperature of about -50⁰ C, noticed the formation of a cloud stream that extended for about forty miles behind his plane. Each time, this stream gradually spread out to form a cloud layer that was about 3,000 feet thick. (Luftfahrt, Mai 1919, p. 17; Nature, May 3, 1930, p. 693). 

As the technology improved and airplanes began flying at ever higher, colder altitudes, persistent contrails became more common. By the beginning of World War II, airplanes flying above 30,000 feet, as commercial airplanes do today, often left long, thickening clouds trailing behind them. In February 1942, French aviation pioneer and famed author Antoine Saint-Exupéry published Flight to Arras, a memoir of his service flying high-altitude combat missions against Nazi Germany in 1939 and 1940. He described the challenges of his reconnaissance missions, including the cold that could freeze the controls of his aircraft, and the anxiety of knowing his plane was trailing a white streamer that pinpointed his position for enemy fighters and gunners. Saint-Exupéry wrote:

The German on the ground knows us by the pearly white scarf which every plane flying at high altitude trails behind like a bridal veil. The disturbance created by our meteoric flight crystallizes the watery vapor in the atmosphere. We unwind behind us a cirrus of icicles. If the atmospheric conditions are favorable to the formation of clouds, our wake will thicken bit by bit and become an evening cloud over the countryside. 

This was a problem for every nation. Flight Lieutenant M. V. Longbottom of Britain’s Royal Air Force, after consulting with a French meteorologist, wrote a report titled “Condensation Trails at High Altitudes,” in which he wrote that contrails will form under conditions of low temperature and high humidity. Under these conditions, he wrote, “the rapidly expanding gases from the exhausts” of the plane cause “sudden condensations to form in [the plane’s] wake.” This also meant that there might be layers in the atmosphere some of which would support contrail formation while others would not. And indeed this was the experience of the fighter pilots: when heavy contrails started forming behind them, they could sometimes stop their formation by descending one or two thousand feet.

Between 1928 and 1931, America’s top airman, General Henry H. Arnold, directed a project whose objective was finding a way to reduce aircraft vulnerability to enemy gunners by dissipating their contrails.

And in September 1942, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics issued a report on condensation trails explaining how and why they form, and that their persistence depends on temperature and humidity at that altitude.

Not only the higher altitude of airplanes, but the introduction of jet fighters during World War II made persistent vapor trails commonplace in the sky. They became a common feature also in peacetime skies after commercial jets became common during the 1960s.

Donald R. Baucom published a two-part history of contrails through 1945: “Wakes of War: Contrails and the Rise of Air Power, 1918-1945”, Air Power History, Summer 2007, pp. 16-31, and Fall 2007, pp. 4-21.

Here is a photograph from World War II, in which the exhaust clouds behind fighter planes blended together and covered the sky:

Here is another, from the 1957 book, Air Force: A Pictorial History of American Airpower by Martin Caidin, p. 100 :






Here is a 1953 photo by Ansel Adams, titled“Rails and Jet Trails”:








A production photo from the movie Spartacus, taken in Thousand Oaks, California in 1959:





A scene from the 1959 movie Battle Hymn with Rock Hudson:





Plate 113 from the 1967 book, Cloud Studies in Colour by Richard Scorer and Henry Wexler:





And Plate 11.4.1 from the 1972 book, Clouds of the World: A Complete Colour Encyclopedia by Richard Scorer:



I have a lot of such pictures from the past. But the most vivid are the ones engrained in my memory from my freshman year at college. Air traffic was exploding in the skies over upstate New York. It was 1968, as I sat high in the bell tower overlooking Ithaca. The tunes I was playing on the Cornell chimes rang out over the campus, and spilled down the hill into town. After my morning concert, I gathered up my books, descended the 162 steps, and hiked down into the bottom of Triphammer Gorge to study.

As I lay on my rock drinking in the early freshness of the breeze and the unbroken blue of the sky,

Worldwide testimonies about smart meters







Five weeks ago, I asked people to email the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (PRC) about their experiences with smart meters. Heartbreaking testimonies poured in from around the world. Stories about catastrophic effects on the health and lives of adults, children, the elderly, pets, farm animals, birds, wild animals, insects, worms, plants, neighbors, workers and entire communities.

Below are excerpts and summaries of some of the 271 testimonies that are posted on the public comments page of the PRC’s website (requires registration to view). If you have stories to add and you have not yet sent them to the PRC, please email them to: New Mexico PRC <>. Write “Case No. 22-00058-UT” in the Subject line. Be sure to also send a copy to me at We need all the help we can get to preserve New Mexico as a refuge from smart meters, and as an example to the world. 

Jennifer Andree is a New Mexico resident who was severely injured by a smart meter “that has completely devastated my life.” She is a nurse and a veteran who knew nothing about smart meters until she was injured by one. This occurred on Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico. “For three and one-half months,” she writes, she slept with her head approximately one foot away on the other side of a wall from an electrical panel containing two electric smart meters. “Anything that carries an electric current or emits any radiation” now causes her headaches, brain fog, and internal burning. “I can no longer tolerate living in an urban environment,” she writes, “so I have moved to South Dakota, to a cleaner environment in the country. Because of the harms I was exposed to, I am separated from my family, which has contributed to my suffering… I have a nursing license, but can no longer work in my profession.”

Maryann McCabe writes from the UK: “From the time [the smart meter] was turned on, I could not walk around in my flat, I could not write an email, I could not think and I could not sleep. It was an absolute nightmare until it was switched off.”

Harriet Greene, formerly of New Mexico, writes: “I was able to opt out and keep my old meter. Everybody I talk to who was forced to accept smart meters has complained of numerous effects.”

Lauren Bond writes, “Smart meters were installed in my building, and the radiation they emit inside apartments creates for myself, a constant burning pain to my skin.”

Jeanne Thompson writes from California: “My mother died of a massive brain tumor caused by a row of six Smart Meters outside her condo, on the wall where the head of her bed was. We discovered this after she had already passed. You can imagine my shock and horror at that realization.”

Dr. Linda Thomas writes, “I have seen hideous debility in adults and children secondary to Smart Meters being installed in my area.” These include absence seizures in a 2-year-old boy and chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia in his mother.

Mario Desira writes from Malta: “Back in 2017 my electrical meter caught fire and nearly caused a house fire. Luckily I was at home and intervened before anything worse happened.”

Persephone Maywald writes from California that she was diagnosed with suspected Parkinson’s disease a few months after a smart meter was installed, and that she later had the meter replaced and within a few weeks all her symptoms disappeared.

Simone St. Clare writes from California that since a smart meter was installed, there have been almost no hummingbirds at her feeders and a decrease in caterpillars in her garden.

Deirdre Novella writes from New York that her hair started falling out within a few months of a smart meter being installed at her place of work, that she was diagnosed with leukemia, and that she developed a lifelong allergy to electricity.

Sheila Reavill, who works as an electromagnetic radiation specialist (“EMRS”) in Georgia, writes that after smart meters were installed, “the smart meter signature I logged [on her radio frequency meter] in my bedroom was at the precise times I wake up at night”; that her next door neighbor and her neighbor’s daughter wake at the exact same time she does every night; that her border collie began having skin problems and would wake up whimpering at the exact same time also; and that she and her dog both wake up at that same time with diarrhea.

Rebeca Randle writes from California that while she had a smart meter she could not sleep and there were no birds; and that when the smart meter was removed, the birds came back.

Robert Workman, an EMRS in Missouri, writes: “I have confirmed injuries from wireless radiation and the Smart meter seems to be the most damaging to me and my clients. Once the ITRON electronic meter is removed many of my clients have an immediate response to an improved health. This meter has been torture to myself and others in St Louis, it is my professional opinion this meter kills all biological life.”

Health practitioner Diane Peterson writes from California that “For the majority [of people], they suddenly developed symptoms and only later discovered that the symptoms began immediately after the smart meter was installed.”

Sema Kelly writes: “My friend’s neighbor had a smart meter put in. She didn’t know it had such dangers, but soon found out her chickens in the yard had huge tumors growing on their throats and body. The eggs they laid were odd shapes and colors, and the chickens appeared to be tired, which was not ever seen prior to the installments of the smart meters.”

Andre Fayolle writes that a smart meter gave his family headaches, caused the animals, birds and insects to disappear, and caused a fire that burned down his house.

Karen Crenshaw writes from

Frequently Asked Questions

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FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What is wireless technology?

Wireless technology is any means of sending information or energy through space without wires. It includes:

satellites, radar, radio, television, cell towers, cell phones, cordless phones, microwave ovens smart meters, WiFi, Bluetooth, fitness trackers, smart watches, baby monitors wireless keyboards, mice, printers, headphones and speakers, wireless security systems, wireless car keys, wireless garage door openers, wireless battery chargers, remote controls, wireless microphones RFID chips in credit cards and driver’s licenses, radio collars and chips in wildlife, cattle and pets, chips in home appliances wireless hearing aids, assistive listening devices, medical alert pendants, chips in medical implants, wireless pacemakers autonomous vehicles, drones, and robots numerous other radio-enabled devices that are proliferating in today’s world

Every one of these devices, without exception, emits radiation.

What’s wrong with wireless technology?

By substituting radiation for wires, we are swimming in an ocean of artificial electromagnetic fields that are interfering with life itself. We are in effect electrocuting ourselves, our children, our pets, the insects, birds, animals, trees and plants around us and all of living creation. We are killing our planet.

This is about long-term exposure, right? Cancer that takes years to develop?

No. The effects are rapid. Heart rate changes immediately. Blood sugar rises in minutes. Having wireless devices on in your house interferes with your sleep and your memory. Using a cell phone destroys brain cells in minutes to hours, and can cause a stroke or a heart attack. Studies show that even cancer can develop within months of first exposure. When a cell tower is turned on, birds leave the area immediately. Insects disappear. Even slugs and snails vanish. Most of this takes no time at all.

What types of radiation are used in wireless technology?

All frequencies of radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, lasers, sound waves, even nuclear radiation. Most home devices use microwaves.

Isn’t microwave radiation natural? Don’t microwaves come from the sun and stars?

Almost all the radiation we receive from the universe is the light and heat from the sun, not microwave radiation. The microwave radiation a person receives from an average cell tower is millions of times stronger than all the microwave radiation from the sun and stars. The microwave radiation a person’s brain receives from their cell phone is billions of times stronger than the microwave radiation from the sun and stars. And at any particular frequency it is trillions of times stronger than the microwave radiation he or she receives from the sun and stars at that frequency. And the faint microwaves from the sun and stars are not pulsed and modulated. It is the pulsations and modulation that cause much of the harm.

Aren’t light and microwaves both electromagnetic? Therefore isn’t microwave radiation safe?

No. That is like saying arsenic is safe because oxygen and arsenic are both elements, or that cyanide is safe because water and cyanide are both chemicals. But oxygen and water are necessary for life, while arsenic and cyanide are deadly poisons. It is the same with electromagnetic radiation. Visible light is necessary for life. Microwave radiation is a deadly poison.

Aren’t toxic chemicals more harmful than electromagnetic radiation?

Electromagnetism is more complex and more fundamental than chemistry. Electromagnetism shapes the sun and stars. Electromagnetism animates life. Electromagnetism is behind chemistry. There is no “chemical force” in the universe. Outside of atomic nuclei, there is only gravity and electromagnetism. Electromagnetism guides everything we see, including ourselves. Chemistry is an effect, not a cause.

Can’t we find safe frequencies? Won’t that solve the problem?

That is looking at both wireless technology and life too simplistically.

Most wireless technology has only one goal: to transmit information to computers, information of great complexity and variety. It is not simple, constant radiation of one amplitude and one frequency: such radiation would carry no information. Instead, it is multiple large frequency bands, each divided into hundreds, thousands, and millions of individual frequencies of all different bandwidths, overlapping and interacting, pulsed at an enormous variety of intervals, in an enormous variety of shapes, patterns and durations, all over the world. Even a single signal from a single device has a variety of amplitudes, frequencies and pulsations, and is modulated in complex ways in order to carry all the information needed to be read by a cell phone or computer.

Life has to also carry an enormous, almost infinite complexity of information in its nervous systems and its meridians, and to store and process this information in its cells, organs and chakras, and in its DNA which is shared and circulated among trillions of individuals of 50 million different species, all connected to one another and to the earth, sky and universe in a grand circuit of energy and information.

The artificial cloud of energy and information is interfering with, overpowering and destroying the natural, living circuitry of energy and information. It cannot be otherwise.

What about LiFi? If light is safe, why not use light instead of microwaves?

Light is a nutrient. We absorb it with our eyes, and into our blood. It is necessary for health. It regulates our biorhythms. Green plants need it for photosynthesis. We absorb more of the pulsations and modulation frequencies when they are carried into our bodies by light than when they are carried into our bodies by microwaves. LiFi is more harmful to life than WiFi.

Cell phones are much smaller than cell towers. Doesn’t that mean they are safer? Doesn’t it mean the radiation does not travel as far?

Cell phones and cell towers emit the same radiation; size has nothing to do with it. The main difference is that a cell tower emits as many signals simultaneously as there are cell phones communicating with it at that time, whereas a cell phone only emits one voice channel and one data channel. A cell tower therefore emits stronger



During the 1950s clinics were established in Moscow, Leningrad, and other cities in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe to study and treat thousands of workers suffering from a new occupational disease. It was named radio wave sickness. These patients manufactured, inspected, repaired or operated microwave equipment. Some worked at radar facilities, others for radio or TV stations, or telephone companies. Still others operated radio frequency heaters and sealers being used in an expanding number of industries using technology developed during World War II.

The patients at these clinics suffered from headaches, fatigue, weakness, sleep disturbance, irritability, dizziness, memory difficulty, sexual dysfunction, skin rash, hair loss, decreased appetite, indigestion, and occasionally sensitivity to sunlight. Some had heart palpitations, stabbing pains in the region of the heart, and shortness of breath after exertion. Many developed emotional instability, anxiety or depression, and a few had mania or paranoia.

On physical exam they had acrocyanosis (blue fingers and toes), decreased sensitivity to odors, sweating, tremors, altered reflexes, unequal pupil size, heart arrhythmias, and unstable pulse and blood pressure. They had abnormal EEGs and EKGs and, in advanced stages, signs of oxygen deprivation to the heart and brain. Some developed cataracts. Blood work showed hyperactive thyroid, elevated histamine, elevated blood sugar, elevated cholesterol and triglycerides, an increase in blood proteins, a decrease in the albumin-globulin ratio, decreased platelets and red blood cells, and abnormally high or low white blood cell count.

Although only about 15% of microwave workers complained of their illness, and only 2% ceased working (Sadchikova 1960, Klimková-Deutschová 1973), laboratory work revealed abnormalities in the majority of workers. Blood cholesterol was elevated in 40% of microwave workers (Klimkova-Deutschova 1974), triglycerides were elevated in 63% (Sadchikova et al. 1980), fasting blood sugar was increased in 74% (Klimkova-Deutschova 1974), and 70% had abnormal thyroid activity. Objective cardiac changes were found in 18% to 35% of microwave workers, depending on the length of time worked.

These workers were exposed to microwave radiation only during working hours. And they were exposed to levels of radiation that were less than what the general public is exposed to now for hours per day, or even all the time, from cell phone and wireless Internet technologies.

Because of the large number of publications about radio wave sickness coming out of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, a US/USSR scientific exchange on microwave radiation research was begun in the mid-1970s. And the US government contracted with Dr. Zorach Glaser to catalogue the world scientific literature—journal articles, books, conference proceedings—on reported biological and health effects of radio frequency and microwave radiation. By the end of the 1970s, Glaser’s bibliography included 5,083 documents (Glaser 1984).

Also during the 1960s and 1970s, ophthalmol­ogist Milton Zaret, under contract with the Army and the Air Force, examined the eyes of thousands of military and civilian personnel working at radar installations in the US and Greenland. Large numbers of them, he found, were developing cataracts. Most of these cataracts were caused by chronic exposure of the eye to radiation at power densities around one milliwatt per square centimeter—a level which is regularly exceeded by each of the eight billion cell phones in use today (Birenbaum et al. 1969; Zaret 1973).

During those years American biologist Allan Frey discovered that microwave radiation damages the blood-brain barrier (Frey et al. 1975), and he proved that humans and animals can hear microwaves (Frey 1961). One of the most active American researchers during the 1960s and 1970s, Frey caused rats to become docile by irradiating them at a power density of 50 microwatts per square centimeter (Frey and Spector 1976). He altered specific behaviors at 8 microwatts per square centimeter (Frey and Wesler 1979). He altered the heart rate of live frogs at 3 microwatts per square centimeter (Frey 1970). At only 0.6 microwatts per square centimeter, 100 times less than levels commonly encountered today at a normal operating distance from a wireless laptop, he caused frogs’ hearts to develop arrhythmias, and sometimes caused the hearts to stop beating, by timing the microwave pulses at a precise point during the heart’s rhythm (Frey and Seifert 1968).

In 1977 Paul Brodeur, in his book, The Zapping of America, warned that proliferating microwave towers and radar facilities were endangering public health. But compared to today, microwave and radio facilities were still very rare indeed.

When in 1977 Apple sold its first personal computers, exposure to high levels of electromagnetic radiation spread to the general population, and electromagnetic illness ceased being only an occupational disease. In that year deaths from asthma in the US, which had been declining steadily for decades, began to rise for the first time.

In 1981, Representative Al Gore chaired the first of a number of Congressional hearings on the health effects of video display terminals (VDTs). These were held because two editors at The New York Times, young men in their 20s and 30s, had developed cataracts; half of all surveyed UPI and AP employees were complaining of visual problems or headaches; an unusual number of babies with birth defects had been born to employees at The Toronto Star; and clusters of miscar­riages were occurring among female VDT operators all over the U.S. and Canada.

The newspaper industry had been the earliest industry to be transformed by computer technol­ogy. During the 1981 hearings by the House Committee on Science and Technology, Charles A. Perlik, Jr., president of the Newspaper Guild, testified that had his member­ship known that VDTs were capable of dangerous emissions, “We would not have quietly permitted the transformation of an essentially benign workplace into a hazardous one.”[1] In 1985 Canadian author Bob DeMatteo published a popular book titled Terminal Shock: The Health Hazards of Video Display Terminals.

In the mid-1980s Olle Johansson, a neuroscientist at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, discovered a new skin disease. Since only people who worked in front of computer screens got it, he named it screen dermatitis. Such patients


Recent Fires in Illinois, Pennsylvania Add Urgency to Calls for Moratorium Wireless Radiation Protection Coalition Center for Safer Wireless, StopSmartMeters.Org, Maine Smart Meter Safety Coalition, Naperville Smart Meter Awareness, Maryland Smart Meter Awareness, We the People Are the 9-12 Association, Inc., W4AR (Michigan), Cellular Phone Task Force, Spruce Creek Patriots, Wireless Education Action, Florida Coalition for Health Against Smart Meters, Vermont Stop Smart Meters! Contact: Joshua Hart, Spokesperson Friday, September 21st, 2012 National Campaign to Stop Smart Meters (831) 421 0822/


WASHINGTON, DC- Citing thousands of instances of ‘smart’ meter fires, health problems, and violations of privacy laws, the National Campaign to Stop Smart Meters and Wireless Radiation Protection Coalition called for a National Day of Action on October 4th to demand an immediate moratorium on “smart meter” installations. ‘Smart’ meters are digital devices that monitor utility usage and maintain continuous two-way communication between the customer’s property and the utility company. Utilities are replacing traditional analog meters on homes and businesses all around the country as a supposed energy-saving measure.

Campaign organizers say that these energy savings are failing to materialize, and point to the need for massive new data storage facilities, energy consumption of the meters themselves, and the need for frequent replacement as evidence that “smart” meters are not so “green.” They say smart meter mesh networks are in fact consuming significant energy as part of their routine operation, sending out pulses of microwave radiation day and night, and subjecting residents to health problems, increased risk of fire, rising energy bills, and even power disruption.

The wave of demonstrations in early October is timed to coincide with “GridWeek,”a conference being held in Washington, DC by industry and government proponents of the smart grid. In addition to Washington, DC, other demonstrations are being planned throughout the United States to coincide with the Washington event.

“We are calling for a moratorium on the installation of “smart” meters, and for utilities to remove existing “smart” meters already in place on homes and businesses.” says Joshua Hart, spokesperson for the Campaign, “Like any defective product, whether automobile, food or drug, these meters require an immediate product recall. Analog meters were safe, accurate, and lasted for 80 or more years. My grandmother used to say, ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’ Utilities and governments now need to take responsibility and fix the mess they’ve created.”

Coalition members protesting on October 4threpresent the nationwide groundswell of opposition groups from more than a dozen different states, challenging smart meters in a wide variety of regulatory and legal venues.

“Smart” meters emit strong bursts of microwave radiation that the World Health Organization labeled a Class 2b carcinogen in May of 2011. This is the same category as lead, DDT, and chloroform. The meters are widely reported to be impacting human and environmental health. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has warned people with a number of medical conditions to avoid them. Thousands of people have reported ringing in the ears, insomnia, headaches, dizziness, nausea, heart irregularities, memory loss, and anxiety after a smart meter was installed on their home. Despite this, utilities in many parts of the country are forcing smart meters onto private property and unlawfully disconnecting people’s essential services for refusing to accept a smart meter.

A series of 26 smart meter fires in Pennsylvania forced PECO to suspend further installations in August, and this has sparked inquiries in Washington, DC, Maryland, and other states. Problems with wiring, lack of UL certification, and unprofessional, shoddy installations have been suspected as causes of these and other fires, which have already caused millions of dollars in damages. Yet installations continue in many areas. Public safety advocates are demanding an immediate moratorium on these unsafe, untested devices.

According to a Congressional Research Service Report [February 2012], the Department of Energy determined smart meters can reveal people’s daily schedules, the use of individual appliances, whether they use certain medical equipment and other personal information. “Smart meters are an invasion of privacy. They are a detailed and warrantless information gathering devices attached to our homes and businesses,” said Ed Friedman lead plaintiff in a smart meter case that has been remanded to the Maine Public Utilities Commission after a victory in the Maine Supreme Court.

The main demonstration in Washington DC began at 10:00 am Oct. 4th at the GridWeek conference outside the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 801 Mount Vernon Place N.W., Washington, DC 20001.


Source: Idaho Observer, September 2007

Prior to 1996, the wireless age was not coming online fast enough, primarily because communities had the authority to block the siting of cell towers. But the Federal Communications Act (1996) made it virtually impossible for communities to stop construction of cell towers —even if they pose threats to public health and the environment. Since the decision to enter the age of wireless convenience was politically determined for us, we have forgotten well-documented safety and environmental concerns and, with a devil-may-care zeal that is lethally short-sighted, we have incorporated into our lives every wireless toy that comes on the market as quickly as it becomes available. We behave as if we are addicted to radiation. Our addiction to cell phones has led to harder “drugs” like wireless Internet. And now we are bathing in the radiation that our wireless enthusiasm has financed. The addicted, uninformed, corporately biased and politically-influenced may dismiss our scientifically-sound concerns about the apocalyptic hazards of wireless radiation. But we must not. Instead, we must sound the alarm. By Amy Worthington

Illa Garcia wore jewelry the first day she went back to work as a fire lookout for the state of California in the summer of 2002. The intense radiation from dozens of RF/microwave antennas surrounding the lookout heated the metals on her body enough to burn her skin. “I still have those scars,” she says. “I never wore jewelry to work after that.”

Likely Mountain Lookout, on U.S. Forest Service land with a spectacular view of Mount Shasta, is one of thousands of RF/microwave “hot spots” across the nation. A newly-erected cellular communications tower was only 30 feet from the lookout. “One antenna on that tower was even with our heads,” recalls Garcia. “We could hear high-pitched buzzing. There were also three state communications antennas mounted on the lookout, only 6 feet from where we walked. We climbed past them every day.”

Motorola company manuals for management of communications sites confirm that high frequency radiation from these antennas is nasty stuff. Safety regulations mandate warning signs, EMF awareness training, protective gear, even transmitter deactivation for personnel working that close to antennas. Garcia and co-worker Mary Jasso were never warned about the hazards which, they say, demonstrates extreme malfeasance on the part of agencies and commercial companies responsible for their exposure.

By the end of fire season, Garcia and Jasso were so ill they were forced to retire and the lookout was closed to state personnel. Garcia, 52, is now severely disabled with fibromyalgia, auto-immune thyroiditis and acute nerve degeneration. Medical tests confirmed broken DNA strands in her blood and abnormal tissue death in her brain.

Dr. Gunner Heuser, a medical specialist in neurotoxicity, states that Garcia’s disorders are a result of chronic electromagnetic field exposure in the microwave range and that “she has become totally disabled as a result.” Dr. Heuser said, “In my experience patients develop multisystem complaints after EMF exposure just as they do after toxic chemical exposure.”

Jasso, who worked the lookout for 11 seasons, is now disabled with brain and lung damage, partial left side paralysis, muscle tremors, bone pain and DNA damage. Jasso discovered that all lookouts who worked Likely Mountain since 1989 are disabled. At only 61 years of age, she has lost so much memory that she cannot remember back to when her first three children were born. She fears that communications radiation may be a major factor in the nation’s phenomenal epidemics of dementia and autism.

Both women say they have been unjustly denied worker’s comp and medical benefits. Their pleas for help to state and federal agencies have been fruitless. Between them they have racked up over $150,000 in medical bills, although there is no effective treatment for radiation sickness.

Twenty-two other members of Garcia and Jasso’s two families received Likely Mountain radiation exposure. All suffer serious and expensive illnesses, including tumors, blood abnormalities, stomach problems, lung damage, bone pain, muscle spasms, extreme fatigue, tremors, numbness, impaired motor skills, cataracts, memory loss, spine degeneration, sleep problems, low immunity to infection, hearing and vision problems, hair loss and allergies.

Jasso’s husband, who often stayed at the lookout, has a rare soft tissue sarcoma known to be radiation related. Garcia’s husband, who spent little time at the lookout, has systemic cancer that started with sarcoma of the colon. Garcia’s daughter Teresa was at the lookout for a total of two hours during her first pregnancy. Her daughter was born with slight brain damage and immunity problems. “That baby was always sick,” says Garcia. Teresa spent only three days at the lookout during her second pregnancy. Her son was born with autism.

Garcia and Jasso also have a terminal condition known as “toxic encephalopathy,” involving brain damage to frontal and temporal lobes. This was confirmed by SPECT brain scans. Twelve others in the two-family group who also had the scans were diagnosed with the affliction. “All of us with this condition have been told that we’re dying,” says Garcia. “Our mutated cells will reproduce new mutated cells until the body finally shuts down.”

Nuclear bombs on a pole

Painful conditions endured by the families of Garcia and Jasso are identical to those suffered by Japanese victims of gamma wave radiation after nuclear explosions at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Five decades of studies confirm that non-ionizing communications radiation in the RF/microwave spectrum has the same effect on human health as ionizing gamma wave radiation from nuclear reactions. Leading German radiation expert Dr. Heyo Eckel, an official of the German Medical Association, stated, “The injuries that result from radioactive radiation are identical with the effects of electromagnetic radiation. The damages are so similar that they are hard to differentiate.”1

Understanding what happened at Likely Mountain is critical to understanding the public health threat posed by radiation in the United States. The families of Garcia and Jasso, plus previous lookout workers and multitudes of tourists who visited Likely Mountain for


In the 1970s the newspaper industry was one of the first to supply its employees with computers. Complaints of visual problems and headaches, as well as clusters of miscarriages and birth defects in children born to female editors and other newspaper employees, generated some publicity. In the United States, then-Representative Al Gore held Congressional hearings in 1981 on the health effects of computer screens. In Sweden, a union activist brought the problem to the attention of Dr. Olle Johansson, a neuroscientist at the world-renowned Karolinska Institute. Johansson was the head of the Experimental Dermatology Unit at the Institute.

“For me,” said Johansson, “it was immediately clear that persons claiming skin reactions after having been exposed to computer screens very well could be reacting in a highly specific way and with a completely correct avoidance reaction, especially if the provocative agent was radiation and/or chemical emissions — just as you would do if you had been exposed to e.g. sun rays, X-rays, radioactivity or chemical odours.”

Johansson began to study the skin of these patients, and proved that they had a real skin condition that was provoked by sitting in front of a computer screen. The damage was similar to that caused by ultraviolet radiation from the sun. He also showed that the radiation from computers causes measurable changes even in the skin of “normal” people,” and also in the skin of laboratory animals.

He named the new disease “screen dermatitis.” However, since such individuals also usually complained of other symptoms, such as chest pain, memory loss, fatigue, insomnia, dizziness, nausea, and headache, the more general term “electromagnetic hypersensitivity” came into use.

Many people who worked in the electronics industry in Sweden, including an estimated 12% of the electrical engineers in that industry, became electrically sensitive, and helped form an organization called Föreningen för el-och bildskärmsskadade (Association for the Electrosensitive), or FEB. Due in part to the work of FEB and the research of Dr. Johansson, electrosensitivity is a fully recognized disability in Sweden.

More recently, Johansson and his colleagues have conducted important epidemiological studies showing that wireless communication networks are causing significant illness throughout society. They have also shown that increased rates of asthma as well as certain types of cancer were strongly correlated with exposure to radio broadcasting during the twentieth century.

“The world may be moving inexorably,” Johansson warns, “toward one of those tragic moments that will lead historians to ask: Why did they not act in time?”

Articles by Olle Johansson

“MYSTERY IN THE SKIN. Screen dermatitis, the effect of computer work on human skin.” An interview with Olle Johansson, 2001



“Strålningen från mobiltelefonen skadar kroppens all organ” 2001

CANCER TRENDS DURING THE 20TH CENTURY Örjan Hallberg and Olle Johansson, 2002





LONG-TERM SICKNESS AND MOBILE PHONE USE Örjan Hallberg and Olle Johansson, 2004




Alzheimer mortality – Why does it increase so fast in sparsely populated areas? 2005





DISTURBANCE OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM BY ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS – A potentially underlying cause for cellular damage and tissue repair reduction which could lead to disease and impairment, 2009



Ants can be used as bio-indicators to reveal biological effects of electromagnetic waves from some wireless apparatus, 2014





Since Allan Frey, whose work is also highlighted here, discovered in 1975 that microwave radiation causes the blood-brain barrier to leak, at least a dozen laboratories throughout the world have corroborated this effect. Currently the most active research of this kind is being done at Lund University in Sweden.

Dr. Leif Salford is a neurosurgeon at Lund University Hospital, and Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery. Since 1988 he has led a team of researchers that have exposed thousands of laboratory rats to microwave radiation from various sources. Since the late 1990s they have used mobile telephones as the source of this radiation.

Their results have been consistent and alarming: not only does radiation from a cell phone damage the blood-brain barrier, but it does so at even when the exposure level is reduced a thousandfold. Even more disturbingly, and contrary to what was expected, the damage to the blood-brain barrier worsened when the experimenters reduced the exposure level. The implies that SAR ratings for cell phones may be worthless and that it may not be possible to make cell phones safer by reducing their power.

In laboratory rats, Salford’s team has demonstrated that blood-brain barrier leakage occurs after only two minutes of exposure. Further, a single two-hour exposure to a cell phone, even at reduced power, was shown to damage or destroy up to two percent of an animal’s brain cells.

In other experiments in Salford’s laboratory, long term exposure of rats to a cell phone caused memory impairment, and a single six-hour exposure at extremely low power levels caused genetic damage. Exposure to a low-frequency magnetic field (low frequencies are also emitted by cell phones) caused disturbances of calcium transport in cells.

Salford has called the use of cell phones by human beings “the largest biological experiment ever,” and he calls the potential implications of his laboratory results “terrifying.” “Those who might normally have got Alzheimer’s dementia in old age could get it much earlier,” he said. “Perhaps putting a mobile phone repeatedly to your head is something that might not be good in the long term.”

Articles by Leif Salford


NERVE CELL DAMAGE IN MAMMALIAN BRAIN AFTER EXPOSURE TO MICROWAVES FROM GSM MOBILE PHONES Leif G. Salford, Arne E. Brun, Jacob L. Eberhardt, Lars Malmgren, and Bertil R. R. Persson, 2003

NON-THERMAL EFFECTS OF EMF UPON THE MAMMALIAN BRAIN: THE LUND EXPERIENCE Leif G. Salford, Henrietta Nittby, Arne Brun, Gustav Grafström, Lars Malmgren, Jacob Eberhardt, and Bertil R. R. Persson, 2007

THE MAMMALIAN BRAIN IN THE ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS DESIGNED BY MAN—With special reference to blood-brain barrier function, neuronal damage and possible physical mechanisms, 2008






The following reports were collected by our affiliate, the EMF Safety Network (


In May of 2010 they installed a RF Smart Meter. Between then and June 2011, I had made four trips to an ER for heart palpitations, tinnitus, extreme fatigue with mental confusion and inability to sleep. On top of being able to accomplish damn little due to the symptoms, the electric bills topped $200 per month when we didn’t add an appliance or use more of what we had.

In each ambulance ride, the symptoms went away after 30 minutes out of this Smart Meter Neighborhood. Then the symptoms returned within a day.

June 2011, I demanded they remove the smart meter because I was being over-charged. They replaced the RF Smart Meter with a hardwired digital Smart Meter in an attempt to placate me. And I am still being overcharged. The symptoms are a little less severe, but they still exist and are very hard to accommodate in any capacity. Especially the headaches that I’ve never had until a Smart Meter was installed. John N., New Mexico


My name is Donald Newsom. I have an account with PG&E in my home. My desk is on the other side of the wall from the smart meter.

I am 42 and in excellent health. However, since this was put on our home without any permission I have had severe headaches and my right eye is twitching now uncontrollably. This doesn’t happen when I am away from my home (although now the problems are severe enough they are becoming constant). I believe it’s the smart meter. I have phoned them twice to have someone remove it but they will not.

On 10/18/2011 I called PG&E and they transferred me to Angel in Sacramento with the Smart Meter Department. I told Angel that my eye is twitching badly and that my headaches are getting severe. He took my information down and said he’d have someone get in touch with me. I told him I tried this once before, where PG&E said they would have a supervisor call me back, but when they did call 5 days later they hung up immediately after I picked up the receiver – which was 2 rings in. I saw it was PG&E via my caller ID. They did not call back. Thus, Angel told me he would have someone get in touch with me over the next week. I hope so… as I am now demanding this be removed.

I would like to have this smart meter removed. I have 3 adults living here and 4 children all under 13 years of age. PG&E did not allow us to opt out and put the meter on our home while we were away. It seemed to us very sneaky. How can a company put something on my home that may harm me and my children, and then not remove it when I tell them the harm it is now causing? I am hoping someone needs to come out and remove this from our home and put back the old style meter, or turns off the transmitter I am so sensitive to.

My body is now feeling very sick, I have headaches constantly and my eye may need surgery to stop the twitching. Further, we work where we live and home school our kids … so we are getting much exposure to the RF Transmissions and would like it to stop.

How can we accomplish this? Donald Newsom, Butte County CA


I have very disturbing symptoms after living for a year and a half sandwiched between 30 gas smart meters on one side and 30 electric smart meters on the other side. I also have wi-fi router and wi-fi radio which are probably part of the problem.

I am toasted by inability to sleep more than 4-5 hours and even those hours occur randomly so as to say my sleep patterns schedules are all out of whack. I have intermitant vertigo. I think I am getting cooked by meters in my location because I get unexplainable, VERY uncomfortable sweats that come upon me out of nowhere feeling like I am being heated up from the inside out, they make me feel very unbalanced and really mad as I usually evacuate my apt and go outside before I take a shower to try to feel good. My facial skin also has dried and aged and wrinkled beyond recognition. Most replies to my inquiries say I must move from this apt a.s.a.p. That is not an easy job.

Where am I going to be safe?

NO wi-fi recommended or maybe wi-fi will invade another neighborhood after I relocate there. Also getting away from the stupid smart meters they are everywhere here now. I know moving off the grid and living with solar power is ideal but that is not likely at this time. I cannot really start living in my car and spend my time at the park or whatever others report such as staying away from their homes as much as possible. MS, Humboldt County


Edison installed a new smart meter yesterday. I did not sleep last night. There is something going on in my head and body. I have ringing in my ears at a very high pitch. Like a dog whistle or crystal in some electronic device whistling. It is creating some sort of electric waves from my ear area to my body that is very uncomfortable. It is making me sick. It is like a chill but not quit. I am having a hard time describing it.

I called Edison right away and they tell me there is nothing they can do for me. But they say things like we care and have a nice day while I tell them I am being harmed as we speak. The people at the Edison company are not trained in electromagnetic radiation or electronics and challenge me that I am not having the


1993: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): The FCC’s exposure standards are “seriously flawed.” Official comments to the FCC on guidelines for evaluation of electromagnetic effects of radio frequency radiation, FCC Docket ET 93-62, November 9, 1993.

1993: Food and Drug Administration (FDA): “FCC rules do not address the issue of long-term, chronic exposure to RF fields.” Comments of the FDA to the FCC, November 10, 1993.

1993: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH): The FCC’s standard is inadequate because it “is based on only one dominant mechanism—adverse health effects caused by body heating.” Comments of NIOSH to the FCC, January 11, 1994.

1994: Amateur Radio Relay League Bio-Effects Committee: “The FCC’s standard does not protect against non-thermal effects.” Comments of the ARRL Bio-Effects Committee to the FCC, January 7, 1994.

2000: UK Department of Education: Children under 16 should not use cell phones except in an emergency.

2002: Interdisciplinary Society for Environmental Medicine (3000 physicians in Germany) recommends banning cell phone use by children and banning cell phones and cordless phones in preschools, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, events halls, public buildings and vehicles.

2003: American Bird Conservancy and Forest Conservation Council: Brought a lawsuit against the FCC because millions of migratory birds were being disoriented by microwave radiation and crashing into cell towers.

2004: International Association of Fire Fighters opposes communication antennas on fire stations.

2005: Salzburg, Austria’s Public Health Department bans WLAN and DECT phones in public schools.

August 2005: Austrian Medical Association: Warns against Wi-Fi, cordless phones, and cell phone use by children.

August 2005: Vienna Medical Association warns against Wi-Fi, and cell phone use by children up to age 16.

2006: Frankfurt, Germany’s government states it will not install WiFi in its schools until it has been shown to be harmless.

2006: UK schools remove their wireless networks: Prebandal Preparatory School, Chichester, West Sussex; Ysgol Pantycelyn School in Carmarthenshirem, Wales; and Stowe School, in Buckinghamshire, England. London Times, November 20, 2006.

2007: Ballinderry Primary School, Ireland: Removed Wi-Fi to protect young children.

2007 Bavaria, Germany’s Parliament recommends against Wi-Fi in schools.

2007 Australian Democrats: The “explosion in wireless communications technology” is causing widespread illness.

2007: European Environmental Agency, Europe’s top environmental watchdog, calls for immediate action to reduce exposure to radiation from Wi-Fi, mobile phones and their masts.

2008: International Commission on Electromagnetic Safety (comprised of scientists from 16 nations): Recommends limiting cell phone use by children, teenagers, pregnant women and the elderly.

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2007: Therold, Ontario closes down its citywide Wi-Fi pilot scheme.

2008: Lakehead University, Ontario bans Wi-Fi on campus.

2008: Madhya Pradesh, India: Bans cell phones in schools by both students and teachers.

2008: National Library of France: Removes Wi-Fi because of health concerns and limits installation to cable connections.

2008: Paris, France removes Wi-Fi from four public libraries because of health concerns.

2008 Sainte-Geneviève University, Paris: Removes Wi-Fi from its library because of health concerns.

2008: Progressive Librarians Guild recommends against wireless technology in libraries.

2008: Russian National Committee for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection warns that cell phones are unsafe even for short conversations. Children under 16, pregnant women, epileptics, and people with memory loss, sleep disorders and neurological diseases should never use cell phones.

2008 Sebastopol, California: Reneges on its contract to install citywide Wi-Fi.

2008: University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute: Children should never use a cell phone except in an emergency.

2008: Voice (UK Teachers Union) calls for a ban on Wi-Fi in schools.

2009: Hérouville Saint-Clair, France: Bans Wi-Fi in public schools.

2009: Irish Doctors Environmental Association: Warns that current safety guidelines are “not appropriate.”

2009: Karnataka State, India: Bans cell phones in all schools and pre-university colleges.

May 2009: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service urges Congress to focus on the potential connection between electromagnetic fields and “Bee Colony Collapse”.

December, 2010: French Parliament passes a law prohibiting advertising cell phones to children under 14; prohibits children up to age 14 from using cell phones in pre-schools and public schools; requires cell phones to be labeled with SAR values and a recommendation to use headsets.;jsessionid=1E9805FB777CC9228F41FE523855508D.tpdjo14v_1?idArticle=JORFARTI000022471515&cidTexte=JORFTEXT000022470434&dateTexte=29990101&categorieLien=id

May 27, 2011: Council of Europe passes a resolution recommending wired Internet connections in schools, and the creation of radiation-free zones to protect electrosensitive people.

August 30, 2011: The Israeli Ministry of Education publishes guidelines strictly limiting the use of mobile phones on all school grounds, citing children’s and youths’ increased risk of malignant tumors and the “passive exposure” experienced by children who do not use phones.

September 8, 2011: Pretty River Academy in Collingwood, Ontario removes WiFi from campus as a precaution, joining Roots and Wings Montessori school in Surrey, British Columbia.

Feb 13, 2012: Citing safety concerns, the Ontario English Catholic Teacher’s Association representing 45,000 teachers, is calling for a ban on new Wi-Fi installations in the province’s 1,400-plus Catholic schools and advocating that computers in all new schools should be hardwired as well.

March, 2012: the Austrian Medical Association (ÖAK) releases guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of health problems caused by exposure to electromagnetic fields.

June 19, 2012: The Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection has officially recommended that WiFi not be used in schools.

25 Aug 2012: Israeli Minister of Health Rabi Yaakov Litzman states that he supports calls to action for a ban on Wi-Fi in schools.

5 July 2013: Supreme Court of India upholds a decision of the High Court of the State of Rajasthan to remove all cell towers from the vicinity of schools, colleges, hospitals and playgrounds because of radiation “hazardous to life.” The over 200-page November 27, 2012 Rajasthan decision reviews worldwide evidence