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Cellular Phone Task Force et Global Radiation Emergency Coalizione


Sostenuto da :

World Council for Health Antwerpen Niew Society 4.0 Three Aunties, Inc. (Florida) Ethical Environmental Consulting (Colombie-Britannique, Canada) National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation MCS Asociación Vallisoletana de Afectad@s por las Antenas de Telecomunicaciones(Spagna) Vägbrytaren (Svezia) Longmont for Safe Technology (Colorado) Nailsworth 5G Action Group (UK) Teslabel Coordination (Belgio) Smart Meter Education Network PEACE School (Ontario, Canada) APNEK Tunisia Prévention des Ondes Électromagnétiques (POEM26), la Drôme, France Massachusetts for Safe Technology Interconnections (Royaume-Uni) Alliance for Microwave Radiation Accountability (New York) Toxics Information Project (Rhode Island) Rhode Islanders for Safe Technology 5G Free Rhode Island Southwest Pennsylvania for Safe Technology Asociación de Afectados de Navarra por Campos Electromagnéticos (Spagna) Families for Safe Technology (Eugene, Oregon) Le Vaud sans antennes (Svizzera) Robin des Toits (Francia) Association pour une Espace Protégé des Ondes Hertziennes (AEPOH) (Francia) Folkets Strälevern (Norvegia) Elektrosmog a zdravie (Slovacchia) Alleanza Italiana Stop 5G Apsara SA (Svizzera) Asociación cultural nueva era (Argentine) Association Zones Blanches (Francia) Aurora Farm Press (Canada) Biolatte Oy and Anicol Oy (Finlandia) Bündnis Verantwortungsvoller Mobilfunk Deutschland California Brain Tumor Association Colorado for Safe Technology Corporations – Zero Tolerance Cozy Cat Lodge (Hawaii) De Hartcirkel (Paesi Bassi) EartHeart Incorporated (UK) EM Radiation Research Trust (UK) EMF Safety Network (California) For Trees UK Freedom Alcoy (Spagna) Friends of Ecovillages (Australia) Gamefields Press (Canada) Global Center for Indigenous Leadership and Lifeways Harmonia Dynamis (Svizzera) Hawai’i Unites Help Our Planet Earth (Texas) HGEN Capital Ltd. (UK) International Sanctuary Living Alternative (Nicaragua) Judith Bourque Film (Svezia) Laura Kissmann Wellness (Canada) Life-Environmental Network (Giappone) local group Hertfordshire UK Malibu Agricultural Society Manifesto Films Inc., Space Seed Media LLC (California) National Society of Leadership and Success (U.S.A.) Not Just Health (UK) Observatoire Gabonais de la Pollution Électromagnétique (OGAPEM) Optimal Dwelling Spaces LLC (Oregon) Passionate Permies Ltd. (Nuova Zelanda) Phaphama Afrika Research Consortium (Botswana) Power to the People (Australia) Protect All Children’s Environment (Carolina del Nord) Quelle des Friedens GmbH & Co. KG (Germania) Radio Astronomy Eswatini Realign Body Mind (Italia, Francia) SADC National Peace Commission (Sudafrica) Safe Home Services (Canada) Safe Technology Education (Nevada) Santa Fe Discovery Walking Tours SCRAP Ltd. (School Communities Recycling All Paper) (Australia) STANZ (Safer Technology Aoteroa / New Zealand) Star Valley Farm (California) Stress Management Clinic (Canada) The Health Track (Virginia) Utility Transformation Consortia (Bermude) Vital Spirit Naturopathic (Oregon) Women Eco Artists Dialog (California) Za Slovenijo brez 5G (Per la Slovenia senza 5G)


Lo studio dell’elettricità deve essere riportato alla biologia e alla medicina. La comunicazione personale senza fili deve essere eliminata perché le radiazioni che trasportano tutti i messaggi stanno distruggendo la vita sulla Terra. I telefoni cellulari devono essere sostituiti con telefoni fissi, il WiFi sostituito con cavi ethernet e altri dispositivi di consumo senza fili con dispositivi collegati con fili e cavi. Le antenne e i tralicci della telefonia mobile devono essere gradualmente eliminati e rimossi. La tecnologia wireless deve essere rimossa dai veicoli. I contatori intelligenti devono essere sostituiti da contatori analogici. I contatori intelligenti devono essere sostituiti da contatori analogici. Le autostrade intelligenti (smart city), le città intelligenti (smart city) e l’Internet delle cose devono cessare di essere sviluppati e distribuiti. Le stazioni radar devono essere limitate in numero, posizione e potenza. I forni radar (a microonde) non devono essere utilizzati per riscaldare gli alimenti. È necessario redigere un trattato internazionale sull’elettrosmog, che affronti le radiazioni sulla terraferma, negli oceani e nello spazio. INTRODUZIONE

L’elettrosmog è l’insieme dei campi elettrici, dei campi magnetici e delle radiazioni elettromagnetiche che ci investono 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7, da tutti i dispositivi elettrici ed elettronici, dai cavi elettrici, dalle linee elettriche e dai dispositivi e dalle antenne wireless. Nella comunicazione via cavo, le informazioni vengono trasmesse attraverso i fili e i campi elettromagnetici (CEM) e le radiazioni sono involontari. Un’ingegneria appropriata può ridurre al minimo questi campi e radiazioni indesiderate.

Nella comunicazione wireless, invece, le radiazioni sono il prodotto. Le radiazioni sostituiscono i fili nella trasmissione delle informazioni. Senza fili significa radiazioni. La possibilità di utilizzare un dispositivo mobile ovunque sulla terra significa che ogni metro quadrato della terra deve essere irradiato in ogni momento. I dispositivi mobili operano nello spettro delle microonde, con il risultato che l’intero pianeta sta ora nuotando in un mare di radiazioni a microonde che sono da milioni a miliardi di volte più forti delle radiazioni del sole e delle stelle con cui la vita si è evoluta (1).

La vita si basa non solo sulla chimica, ma soprattutto sull’elettricità (2, 3). Il flusso libero di elettroni è essenziale per il funzionamento dei nostri nervi, del cuore e del metabolismo (3). Le interferenze con queste correnti elettriche causano malattie neurologiche, cardiopatie, malattie metaboliche come il diabete e il cancro (4). Gli organismi con tassi metabolici molto elevati, come le api e altri insetti, stanno scomparendo (5, 6).Migliaia di studi documentano gli effetti devastanti delle radiazioni wireless su mammiferi, uccelli, insetti, anfibi e foreste (7).

Poiché i CEM non sono una sostanza estranea agli esseri viventi, non si applica un modello tossicologico e non esiste una risposta alla dose: ridurre la potenza non riduce l’effetto. Anche un segnale quasi immensamente debole può interferire con il normale funzionamento biologico (8). “Mentre il concetto di dose rate/SAR è adeguato per la descrizione degli effetti termici acuti, non è applicabile per le esposizioni croniche a M[icro]vasi termici”. (9). Anche a livelli di potenza prossimi allo zero, è stato riscontrato che le radiazioni a microonde modificano la struttura del DNA (10) e alterano le onde cerebrali (11). Alcuni studi hanno persino rilevato una risposta inversa alla dose. Quando la potenza delle radiazioni viene ridotta di 1000

Dogs, cats, birds, and Maui









                         Cat with radio transmitter

In response to my last newsletter, “Don’t irradiate the birds!,” readers have sent me accounts from far and wide of what has been happening not only to the insects, birds, plants, etc., but also to their pets from being irradiated. I have also discovered more information about the birds of Maui — information that makes the case for radiation killing the birds, and not malaria, even more compelling.


The bird in my last newsletter called WILD1 — the one who disabled his radio transmitter less than a day after his release into the forest — was seen, alive and very healthy, on July 23, 2021, 632 days after being released! This was reported in the Honolulu Star Advertiser and in The Maui News. Here is my updated newsletter, amended accordingly:


Sidnee from California writes:

“A cat appeared one day with a tracking device on a harness. I wrapped the device in aluminum foil and taped a note on the back, telling whoever was the owner that he or she was harming his cat with that device. I included my phone number. A man called me and we chatted. Turns out the cat lived in the house behind me. I told him that the wireless radiation would be making his cat sick, but he didn’t care. His response? ‘He’s an expensive cat and he likes to wander. I need to know where he goes.’

“The Tile Tracker works with Bluetooth. I measured the RFR [radio frequency radiation]. It ranged from the hundreds of thousands to 2.5 million μW/m2. And the cat wore this all the time. He was so skinny, hyperactive and aggressive toward my own sweet orange kitty.”

The neighbor’s cat, like some of the birds on Maui, kept managing to remove his transmitter. The owner put a different transmitter on him, this time made by Apple. Sidnee continues:

“Good news. Since the cat kept losing the trackers, the owner has finally given up and the cat has no more devices on his harness! What a different cat! He is mellow, sweet and gets along great with my orange kitty, who is 17 years old.”

Stacy in the Netherlands tells what she has observed in nature, in her cats, and in herself, since the advent of 5G: 

“I have seen a kill-off of insects since 5G has been rolled out. I had 3 ant nests in my house and balcony, they are all dead now and I didn’t do anything. Also my plants on my balcony have not been visited by bees or any insects for that matter.

“Also lots of plants did poorly, the tops of the plants looked like they had been irradiated from the sky, the leaves clumped together, turned and died.

“I have also noted that in the evening I wake up feeling like I have been choked, my mouth and throat completely dried, my lips parched and I can drink a lot of water but it leaves my body very rapidly. I also suffer from a lot of hair loss as do my cats, they have bald patches and I buy them the best of food I can find. I have never had cats with bald patches before, they say it’s old age but it’s not true. I have it with both cats, a male and a female.

“I also notice food does not taste the same any more. I always loved fruit but it has lost its lustre. It also looks withered, less yummie/eat me. It’s like the light has gone out of things and a darkness has entered and for the first time in my life I am worried to the bone and scared.”

Richard in Houston reports a drastic decline in both birds and insects: 

“In Houston this year almost all the birds are gone. There used to be hundreds of doves, this year I have seen ONE. The only other birds I have seen are some blue jays which I feed daily and a hawk which preys upon them. I have fed birds for many years and always had a host of them. This year only the squirrels and rats are eating the bird food. The sky is almost empty of birds.

“The bees have disappeared as well. From hundreds last year to one or two this year.

“The lives of birds and Earth are way more important than the ‘convenience’ of deadly cell phones.”


Robyn from Colorado alerted me to smart bird feeders, which several companies are now marketing. She writes: 

“I noticed an advertisement today from our local hardware store for a Smart Feeder made by Feit Electric. This device sends pictures of the birds at a feeder directly to someone’s phone. I couldn’t help but think about how dangerous this exposure might be to birds who come for birdseed. Or maybe in their infinite intelligence, they don’t come near it.”

Here are pictures of three different companies’ smart feeders:


Mary from Guffey, Colorado, who has an animal sanctuary at 9,000 feet in the Rockies, tells a story very similar to the one Mark Broomhall told UNESCO (see previous newsletter). A deterioration in the health of all the animals has accompanied each advance in wireless communication. A cell tower provided the first cell phone service in that remote location 10 years ago. The tower was upgraded about 2 years ago. And most people in Guffey got a Starlink satellite dish this past summer. “Just about everyone in Guffey has one”, says Mary. She wrote the following on November 6:

“I live at 9000 feet in Guffey, Colorado. Have for 24 years. Starting

Don't irradiate the birds!


In mid-October 2019, the Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project (MFBRP), in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the State of Hawai’i, The Nature Conservancy, the American Bird Conservancy, Pacific Bird Conservation, and San Diego Zoo Global, attached VHF radio transmitters to a harness on the legs of 10 kiwikiu before releasing them into the Nakula Natural Area Reserve, on the southern slope of Haleakalā volcano. Kiwikiu, a species of honeycreepers found only on Maui, are critically endangered. They are small, weighing less than an ounce. Fewer than 150  of these intelligent, long-lived little birds remain.

The birds — some captive-raised and some wild — were released into the forest between October 27 and October 30, 2019. By November 16, every bird was dead except the three who had succeeded in removing or disabling their transmitter. The details are shocking.

Seven wild kiwikiu were captured from the Hanawī Natural Area Reserve and transported to aviaries in the Nakula reserve on the morning of October 17 in preparation for release in the proposed new bird sanctuary. One of the birds, number WILD9, received his transmitter on October 29. He had been strong and healthy prior to that moment, but as soon as it was attached, he hopped onto the ground and stayed still on the floor. Half an hour later, he tucked his head under his wing. Bird Recovery staff then removed the transmitter, but he did not recover. He continued to sit quietly on his perch, and was found dead the next morning.

Another wild bird, number WILD10, received her transmitter on October 26. She attacked the harness holding it onto her ferociously, bit it apart, and removed it. It was found on the ground on October 28. Later on October 28, the Bird Recovery team put a new transmitter on her. On October 29, she was lethargic and not eating. On October 30, she was “fluffed and inactive.”  She was found dead on the morning of October 31.

The other five wild-captured kiwikiu were released into the Nakula reserve with their transmitters intact. WILD5 died on November 11. WILD8 died on November 5. WILD11 died on November 16. WILD7 removed his transmitter on November 8, and he was last observed, doing well, on November 12. WILD1 succeeded in disabling his transmitter the day after his release, and he was observed, doing well, with the harness still attached to his legs, on November 24. He eventually removed the harness as well and was observed again, doing well, on July 23, 2021, 632 days after his release into the forest.  

Five captive-bred kiwikiu were also part of the project. They had all been raised in bird conservation breeding centers on Maui and Hawai’i, and were between 5 and 18 years old. Two of these birds died during the two-week preparation for release, although they had thrived for years in the bird conservation centers. Bird number MP022 received his transmitter on October 29. Like WILD9, he hopped onto the ground and stayed on the floor after his transmitter was attached, but unlike WILD9 he rolled onto his side and kept on attacking the transmitter with his beak until finally he got his mandible stuck in the harness. Staff removed the transmitter and released him into the Nakula reserve without it, but he did not recover and died on November 2. Bird number MP026 was released with his transmitter on October 29 and died on November 5. Bird number MP023 was released with his transmitter on October 28, and succeeded in removing his transmitter the following day after being observed “moving on a direct path out of Nakula NAR.” Presumably he flew as far away from his captors as he could. Bird number MP027 also survived because he was not released with a transmitter. This bird had had a transmitter attached in a previous trial on April 8, and immediately lay on his back on the floor of his cage and did not move. Seeing this, staff removed his transmitter after only a few minutes. On October 23 they attached a transmitter to him again briefly but decided not to include him in the experiment and returned him to the Maui conservation center where he was still alive and well as of the date of publication of the MFBRP report on March 15, 2021.

The writers of the report attributed every kiwikiu death to malaria, despite the facts, stated in the report, that malaria had never before been found in birds in the conservation breeding centers or the Hanawī reserve where all the birds came from; that malaria had never been known to infect more than about 10 or 15 percent of any population of honeycreepers; that malaria does not kill all birds it infects and honeycreepers are known to develop resistance to it; that other parasites were also found in the birds; and that the average time from first symptoms to death for the birds in this project was “1-2 days” which is not typical of malaria. Two “large, healthy male kiwikiu” died within hours of their first signs of reduced activity. The authors of the study wrote:

“[I]t was not clear if these birds could have contracted the disease in Nakula NAR as these birds developed symptoms more rapidly than is typical and died more rapidly than has been reported for other honeycreepers.” 

They went on to speculate:

“The necropsies found parasites in multiple organ systems indicating a severe systemic infection that had moved out of the blood stream into other tissues. This could be the result of increased replication of the malaria parasite following some change in the immune system of the birds, such as in response to environmental stress.”

The environmental stress that they did not consider was the radiation from the VHF transmitters that they attached to the birds. Even after discovering that the bird who disabled his transmitter less than one day after his release was

Document de politique générale sur l'électrosmog

Conseils aux gouvernements, aux législateurs, aux organisations environnementales, aux écoles et aux responsables religieux, politiques et communautaires. Si votre organisation souhaite également apporter son appui à ce qui est énoncé dans ce document, veuillez nous envoyer un courriel à

Document de politique générale sur l’électrosmog

Cellular Phone Task Force et Global Radiation Emergency Coalition


Soutenu par :

World Council for Health Antwerpen Niew Society 4.0 Three Aunties, Inc. (Floride) Ethical Environmental Consulting (Colombie-Britannique, Canada) National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation MCS Asociación Vallisoletana de Afectad@s por las Antenas de Telecomunicaciones(Espagne) Miljöföreningen Vägbrytaren (Suède) Longmont for Safe Technology (Colorado) Nailsworth 5G Action Group (UK) Teslabel Coordination (Belgique) Smart Meter Education Network PEACE School (Ontario, Canada) APNEK Tunisia Prévention des Ondes Électromagnétiques (POEM26), la Drôme, France Massachusetts for Safe Technology Interconnections (Royaume-Uni) Alliance for Microwave Radiation Accountability (New York) Toxics Information Project (Rhode Island) Rhode Islanders for Safe Technology 5G Free Rhode Island Southwest Pennsylvania for Safe Technology Asociación de Afectados de Navarra por Campos Electromagnéticos (Espagne) Families for Safe Technology (Eugene, Oregon) Le Vaud sans antennes (Suisse) Robin des Toits (France) Association pour une Espace Protégé des Ondes Hertziennes (AEPOH) (France) Folkets Strälevern (Norway) Elektrosmog a zdravie (Slovaquie) Alleanza Italiana Stop 5G Apsara SA (Suisse) Asociación cultural nueva era (Argentine) Association Zones Blanches (France) Aurora Farm Press (Canada) Biolatte Oy and Anicol Oy (Finlande) Bündnis Verantwortungsvoller Mobilfunk Deutschland California Brain Tumor Association Colorado for Safe Technology Corporations – Zero Tolerance Cozy Cat Lodge (Hawaii) De Hartcirkel (Pays-Bas) EartHeart Incorporated (UK) EM Radiation Research Trust (UK) EMF Safety Network (Californie) For Trees UK Freedom Alcoy (Espagne) Friends of Ecovillages (Australie) Gamefields Press (Canada) Global Center for Indigenous Leadership and Lifeways Harmonia Dynamis (Suisse) Hawai’i Unites Help Our Planet Earth (Texas) HGEN Capital Ltd. (UK) International Sanctuary Living Alternative (Nicaragua) Judith Bourque Film (Suède) Laura Kissmann Wellness (Canada) Life-Environmental Network (Japon) local group Hertfordshire UK Malibu Agricultural Society Manifesto Films Inc., Space Seed Media LLC (Californie) National Society of Leadership and Success (États-Unis) Not Just Health (UK) Observatoire Gabonais de la Pollution Électromagnétique (OGAPEM) Optimal Dwelling Spaces LLC (Oregon) Passionate Permies Ltd. (Nouvelle-Zélande) Phaphama Afrika Research Consortium (Botswana) Power to the People (Australie) Protect All Children’s Environment (Caroline du Nord) Quelle des Friedens GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne) Radio Astronomy Eswatini Realign Body Mind (France, Italie) SADC National Peace Commission (Arique du Sud) Safe Home Services (Canada) Safe Technology Education (Nevada) Santa Fe Discovery Walking Tours SCRAP Ltd. (School Communities Recycling All Paper) (Australie) STANZ (Safer Technology Aoteroa / New Zealand) Star Valley Farm (Californie) Stress Management Clinic (Canada) The Health Track (Virginie) Utility Transformation Consortia (Bermudes) Vital Spirit Naturopathic (Oregon) Women Eco Artists Dialog (Californie) Za Slovenijo brez 5G (Pour la Slovénie sans 5G)

Points clés

L’étude de l’électricité devrait être réintroduite dans la biologie et la médecine. Les communications personnelles sans fil doivent être supprimées car les radiations qui transportent tous les messages détruisent la vie sur terre. Les téléphones portables doivent être remplacés par des téléphones fixes, le WiFi par des câbles ethernet, et les autres appareils sans fil par des appareils reliés par des fils et des câbles. Les antennes et les pylônes de téléphonie mobile doivent être progressivement supprimés La technologie sans fil doit être retirée des véhicules. Les compteurs intelligents doivent être remplacés par des compteurs analogiques. Les autoroutes intelligentes, les villes intelligentes et l’internet des objets doivent cesser d’être développés et déployés. Le nombre, l’emplacement et la puissance des stations radar doivent être limités. Les fours micro-ondes ne doivent pas être utilisés pour chauffer les aliments. Un traité international sur l’électrosmog, traitant des rayonnements sur terre, dans les océans et dans l’espace, doit être rédigé. Introduction

L’électrosmog est l’ensemble des champs électriques, des champs magnétiques et des rayonnements électromagnétiques dans lesquels nous baignons 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7 et qui proviennent de tous les appareils électriques et électroniques, des fils électriques, des lignes électriques, des appareils sans fil et des antennes. Dans le cas des communications filaires, l’information est transmise par les fils, et les champs électromagnétiques (CEM) ainsi que les rayonnements ne sont pas intentionnels. Une ingénierie appropriée permet de réduire au minimum ces champs et rayonnements non désirés.

En revanche, dans le cas de la communication sans fil, les rayonnements sont le produit. Les rayonnements remplacent les fils dans la transmission de l’information. Sans fil signifie rayonnements. La possibilité d’utiliser un appareil mobile partout dans le monde signifie que chaque mètre carré de la terre doit être irradié à tout moment. Les appareils mobiles fonctionnent dans le spectre des micro-ondes, de sorte que la planète entière nage aujourd’hui dans une mer de radiations micro-ondes qui sont des millions à des milliards de fois plus puissantes que les radiations du soleil et des étoiles avec lesquelles la vie a évolué (1).

La vie repose non seulement sur la chimie, mais plus fondamentalement sur l’électricité (2, 3). La libre circulation des électrons est essentielle au fonctionnement de nos nerfs, de notre cœur et de notre métabolisme (3). Les interférences avec ces courants électriques provoquent des maladies neurologiques, des maladies cardiaques, des maladies métaboliques telles que le diabète et le cancer (4). Les organismes qui ont un métabolisme très élevé, comme les abeilles et d’autres insectes, sont en train de disparaître (5, 6). Des milliers d’études documentent les effets dévastateurs des rayonnements sans fil sur les mammifères, les oiseaux, les insectes, les amphibiens et les forêts (7).

Les CEM n’étant pas une substance étrangère aux êtres vivants, le modèle toxicologique ne s’applique pas et il n’y a pas de réponse correspondant à la dose : réduire la puissance ne réduit pas l’effet. Même un signal incommensurablement faible peut interférer avec le fonctionnement biologique normal (8). « Alors que le concept de débit de dose/DAS est adéquat pour décrire les effets thermiques aigus, il n’est pas applicable aux expositions chroniques aux micro-ondes

One million satellites planned

Number of planned low-orbit satellites NOW EXCEEDS ONE MILLION

On Sunday, SpaceX launched 23 satellites from Cape Canaveral in the morning, and 22 more from Vandenberg Air Force Base in the evening. This brought the total number of operating satellites irradiating the Earth to about 8,800.

SpaceX has been sending up satellite-laden rockets every few days this year, in its haste to satisfy an insatiable demand for bandwidth by the billions of human beings who use cell phones. But SpaceX is not the only one. Hundreds of companies are competing for a share of the global market to supply Internet from the sky to the world’s population.

On January 5, 2022, I sent out a newsletter listing 147 companies and government agencies from 34 countries that were operating, launching, or planning fleets of satellites that, if they were all launched, would total about half a million in our skies, far outnumbering the visible stars. On October 17, 2023, the journal Science, reviewing filings with the International Telecommunication Union, informed the world that the number of filings and the number of planned satellites have again more than doubled. There are more than 90 filings for constellations of over 1,000 satellites each. Twenty-three have over 5,000 satellites, and eight have over 10,000 satellites. As of December 31, 2022, the number of satellites being planned by 300 companies and governments exceeded one million. And in June, 2023, E-Space, a company based in France and founded by Greg Wyler in 2022, filed a plan for a single megaconstellation containing 116,640 satellites. E-Space had previously filed a plan, via the government of Rwanda, for an even larger constellation containing 327,320 satellites. Two days after his new filing with the ITU, Wyler clarified that “Our filing in France is in addition to our filings in Rwanda.”

Our new network, People Without Cell Phones, is more important than ever. The only way to diminish the demand for bandwidth that is turning the Earth into a giant computer, with all living beings electrocuted inside of it, is to stop using cell phones. Not to use them less frequently, but to throw them away. The ability to use them, no matter how infrequently, requires the entire planet to be irradiated. Please join our network by forming a local chapter where you live. You can set your own rules, but it is important to have meetings in person. Please contact me if you need help and let me know that you are doing it. Our goal is to establish an expanding global presence of communities that do not use cell phones. It is up to us.

Arthur Firstenberg President, Cellular Phone Task Force Author, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life P.O. Box 6216 Santa Fe, NM 87502 USA phone: +1 505-471-0129 October 17, 2023

This newsletter is also available for viewing and sharing as a PDF, and on Substack.  This newsletter and the last 62 newsletters are available on the Newsletters page of the Cellular Phone Task Force, both in English and other languages.


This work and these newsletters are supported entirely by donations from individuals. We have no other source of funding. The Cellular Phone Task Force is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and donations by U.S. residents are tax-deductible. Our Tax ID Number is 11-3394550.


Global Extent of Bird Armageddon


Anders Brunstad alerted me to the installation of one of the most powerful radar stations in the world on the Varanger Peninsula in Finnmark, Norway just before tens of thousands of birds fell dead all over the peninsula. The southern and eastern coasts of the peninsula also have 4G+ and, increasingly, 5G service, added recently.

At Ekkerøy Nature Reserve, on the southern coast of the peninsula, at least 15,000 endangered kittiwakes died at the end of July and beginning of August 2023. They nest there in the summer on high cliffs where they are directly in the line of fire of the radar, which is 50 kilometers away. The restaurant at Ekkerøy was forced to close for the summer because it was “raining down” dead birds. The total population of these seabirds in Norway was only about 50,000. Dead terns and other kinds of gulls have also been collected. Half of the cranes at Ekkerøy have died.

The radar, called Globus III, was built by the United States on the island of Vardøya in Vardø, the easternmost city in Norway, which is across a bay from northern Russia. It appears to be part of a civil defense network called the Space Fence. Details about this site have been kept secret, but I found a Request for Information published on February 22, 2022 on the U.S. government’s website, It states:

This system is a one-of-a kind design which will be fielded in 2023. The program is a bi-national, collaborative specialized collection system. The GLOBUS program is a dual band ground-based radar system consisting of an S-band solid state phased array, an X-band dish antenna, an Integrated System Controller (ISC), and a Mission Communications Suite (MCS) hosted at an Outside Continental United States (OCONUS) location.”

Other Space Fence radars are located on Kwajalein Island in the Marshall Islands, and in Western Australia. These S-band (2 GHz to 4GHz) phased array radars each have 36,000 transmitting antennas, a peak power of 2.7 MW and, when focused into a narrow beam that scans the sky in all directions, a peak effective radiated power of several billion watts.

The conflagration is not confined to Finnmark, or to Norway. Last summer I reported on mass deaths of nesting seabirds in locations near new antennas in the Netherlands and France (Birds on Texel Island; Sea Birds’ Last Refuges). This summer the situation is immensely worse. The continued proliferation around the world of 4G and 5G cell towers and antennas, as well as offshore wind farms, has killed millions of wild birds on five continents, together with foxes, skunks, raccoons, fishers, badgers, martens, black bears, grizzly bears, bobcats, lynx, mountain lions, wild boar, otters, Virginia opossums, seals, penguins, and other animals.

Last year, 40% of the Dalmatian pelicans nesting in Greece died, along with 20% of those in Romania, and large numbers in Montenegro and Albania. By May 2023, more than 50,000 dead wild birds of all kinds had been reported in the United Kingdom, 40,000 in eastern Canada, and tens of thousands in the United States. By July 31, 2023, China was reporting 5,100 dead birds in Tibet. Reports of mortality have come from every state in the United States, across 129 species of birds. Huge numbers of bald eagles have died. Just in November and December 2022, more than 50,000 seabirds died along the coast of Peru, including 16,890 Peruvian pelicans and 4,324 brown boobies, both endangered in Peru. In Chile, as of January 1, 2023, perhaps 10,000 seabirds had died, including pelicans, kelp gulls, Belcher’s gulls, grey gulls, guanay cormorants, Peruvian boobies, elegant terns, and turkey vultures.

On May 9, 2023, the Chilean government reported the deaths of 27,977 seabirds, and on July 21, 2023, the Peruvian government reported the deaths of 519,541 seabirds. These represented birds of 65 species. In addition, Chile reported the deaths of 2,517 Humboldt penguins, 460 Magellanic penguins, 16,856 sea lions, and smaller numbers of dolphins, porpoises, otters and other kinds of seals, while Peru reported the deaths of 9,314 sea lions and 100 other sea mammals. According to a report by the OFFLU, a global network of expertise on animal influenza, Chile has lost at least 13% of its Humboldt penguins, Peru has lost at least 36% of its Peruvian pelicans, and Chile and Peru together have lost at least 9% of their sea lions.

Ornithologists are all blaming this catastrophe on avian influenza, in spite of the fact that most of the dead birds are testing negative for any influenza virus, and the ones that test positive have all different variants of the virus so could not be transmitting it to one another, let alone to bears and penguins. For example, 233 dead birds were examined for flu virus by the Norwegian Veterinary Institute between August 14 and October 1, 2023. They found highly pathogenic H5N1 virus in 8 birds, highly pathogenic H5N5 in 2 birds, highly pathogenic H5Nx (other subtypes) in 2 birds, low pathogenic H5Nx in 6 birds, “other Influenza A virus” in 8 birds, and no virus at all in 207 birds.

Yet the United States is already stockpiling a vaccine against H5N1 in case it spreads to human beings and causes a pandemic.

The disappearance of bugs has also been in the news. Dr. Norman Leppla, a professor of entomology at the University of Florida, said that state’s lovebug infestation has completely vanished. They used to come in massive numbers in the spring and fall around May and September with a little variation depending on if you are in the northern or southern part of the state. “It’s not subtle, they’re really not here this season,” he said in an interview published October 5, 2023. But no one is blaming that on “avian influenza.”

Wind farms are also devastating birds, as documented by German scientists in an article published in Nature

Humans, bees and wildlife in 2023

HUMANS, BEES AND WILDLIFE IN 2023 1 Babies are being killed by hospitals

A correspondent in North Carolina sent me this account a few days ago of a healthy newborn who was irradiated nearly to death by the hospital environment: 

“I want to relate what happened to my Goddaughter’s baby brother at the Duke Medical Center earlier this spring. Baby Emiliano was born in excellent health, but when I returned 12 hours later, he had been moved to a different room and I became concerned because I myself developed dizziness, tremor, and headache within about 5 minutes of visiting his room.

“I knew to check my RF meter because these are microwave sickness symptoms which I get when the RF levels are high. The Cornet measurements hovered between 11 and 15 milliwatts per square meter! Personally I need the RF levels below about 0.006 milliwatts per square meter, so I can’t imagine what it was doing to an infant who was only 12 hours old. When I opened the curtains I noticed there was a round 5G pole outside on the street; also straight out of his hospital window you could see a rooftop cell array that looked like several large white panels on top of another hospital building across a small green quad. You could see them clearly because the other building was shorter, which meant that the roof panels lined up horizontally nearer to the level of the baby’s window.

“By day 3, Emiliano had developed jaundice and soon was put in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, which also had very high radiation levels. While on that unit, his jaundice numbers continued to climb, and he developed a rash. I found it interesting because I developed a rash too. I developed a butterfly rash across my face and the baby had a full-body rash on one side of his body. I told the nurse that I had a 5G rash, just like the baby. She had no clue what I was talking about. She explained that lots of babies get this rash, but they don’t know what causes it.

“After several more days in the Duke Main NICU his condition continued to worsen. I was forcing myself to visit him in the hospital, despite my being horribly sick there, because I am very close with the family. My own rash would return along with the dizziness, tremor and headache every time I visited. These would go away within 12-24 hours of leaving the hospital and returning home. The baby had to stay in the radiation, though.

“After many more days in the NICU, being irradiated 24/7, the baby developed a staph infection near his tiny fingernail. The infection began spreading down his finger and they were talking about amputating his finger. By then, I had been working for days to persuade his mother to have him transferred to Duke Regional, a smaller hospital in the northern part of the city, and finally she asked to transfer him. My reason is that I knew that Regional had much lower RF levels based on her prior visit there during early contractions when she had stayed overnight and background radiation levels in the room were between 0.003 and 0.01. (Durham Regional is in a less affluent part of town, with lower-tech overall.) They transferred the baby by helicopter and the baby’s health improved immediately. Within 48 hours of being transferred away from the high radiation at Duke Medical, the rash improved dramatically, the jaundice scores declined, and the staph infection began to improve.

“The radiation levels at Regional were about a thousand times lower than at Duke Main. Also at Duke Regional there were no visible 5G poles or roof arrays outside the baby’s windows. The baby recovered fully there and is home now.”

2 Cancer in young people is skyrocketing

A review of cancer statistics in young people in 44 countries has been published by an international team of scientists. The rate of cancer in people under 50, they found, has increased dramatically in every one of those countries. The study, published in Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology, is titled “Is early-onset cancer an emerging global epidemic?” The authors speculate on various possible causes for this epidemic, including diet, lifestyle, obesity, the microbiome, and genetic susceptibilities, but are forced to conclude there is no evidence that any of these factors have caused the global increase. There is one mention of ionizing radiation in a single sentence, and no mention whatsoever of RF radiation.

Investigative journalist Felice Freyer interviewed two of the study’s authors as well as six other cancer specialists from Harvard, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and Tufts University about the results of that study. I mailed her a copy of my book along with the following letter:

“I read with interest your article of July 22, 2023 in the Boston Globe titled “Rise in cancer among younger people worries and puzzles doctors.” I also read the Nature Reviews paper referred to in your article (‘Is early-onset cancer an emerging global epidemic?’).

“I too have been following the increase in certain cancers in young people, but in relation to a very specific environmental factor: radio frequency (RF) radiation from the cell phones younger people have been carrying much of their lives. There is extensive literature on this connection, including a plausible causative mechanism. I believe exposure to wireless technology, especially cell phones, is the cause of much if not most of the recent rise in cancer in young people.

“Supplementary Table 1 in the Nature Reviews study lists trends of 13 types of cancer in 44 countries. The types of cancer with a rising trend in at least 75% of those countries are cancers of precisely the organs most heavily irradiated by cell phones:

breast colorectal thyroid prostate endometrial kidney

“During use, cell phones are held either right next to the thyroid gland or

Remembering Paul Brodeur


Copyright 1977

Paul Brodeur, a former staff writer for the New Yorker magazine, died on August 2, 2023. He was the author of the pioneering book, The Zapping of America, which he published in 1977. It was the first book I ever read on the subject of microwave radiation. Nobody had cell phones at that time. The first personal computers did not come on the market until that year. But Brodeur had bought property on Cape Cod, which he discovered was going to be directly in the path of the most powerful radar facility in the world.

It was an early warning radar station, and the United States was building two of them, one on the east coast and one on the west. They were called PAVE PAWS (Precision Acquisition of Vehicle Entry Phased Array Warning System). They were going to emit 3-billion-watt phased array microwave beams that would scan the entire east and west coasts of the country to detect and warn against nuclear missiles. Brodeur did an investigation, and what he discovered about microwave radiation, and what was about to happen to this country, astonished him. Those radar stations were built and are still in operation today. And most people have forgotten they are there. But they emit phased array microwave radiation just like 5G cell phones and antennas.

In 1989, Brodeur wrote another book titled Currents of Death: Power Lines, Computer Terminals, and the Attempts to Cover Up Their Threat to Your Health. Computer screens were causing asthma, cataracts, miscarriages, birth defects, and skin problems. Until 1977, when the first personal computers were sold, rates of asthma had steadily declined year after year in the United States. In 1977, rates of asthma suddenly started to rise, and have been rising ever since. Brodeur exposed the hazards of computer screens in 1989. Most people have forgotten this too.

A new global network of local chapters called People Without Cell Phones has been launched to make sure that Brodeur’s life and work, and the lives and work of other pioneers of his generation, were not in vain. Today, 46 years after The Zapping of America was published, the world is still pretending that radiation is harmless, and that asthma, and brain tumors, and diabetes, and heart disease, and cancer, are caused by something else. And everyone carries around a cell phone, day and night. We are going to grow a worldwide network of people who are throwing them away. The Earth is dying. Insects have largely disappeared. Birds are falling dead out of the sky by the millions. The purpose of this network is not to place blame. It is to establish a presence in this world of people living, and teaching others how to live, as if life on Earth will continue. It has been launched together with a Policy Brief on Electrosmog, to which so far 29 organizations in 10 countries have signed on in support — organizations in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, and Tunisia. The time for baby steps is over. It is time to do what is necessary without fear, without reservations, and without accusations.

The New Mexico chapter of People Without Cell Phones had its founding meeting, in person, three days ago, on August 19. It was attended by a medical doctor, several building biologists, a photographer, and others. All but two do not own cell phones, and the others plan to get rid of theirs. We established a feeling of community which people have been hungering for, and we began to discuss ways to talk about this to others, support one another, and work toward a world with:

no more radiation no more brain tumors restored health and vitality birds, bees and butterflies living as if life on Earth will continue

Please join our network by forming a chapter of People Without Cell Phones in your city, state, or country. Let us know that you are doing this by sending us an email.

Arthur Firstenberg President, Cellular Phone Task Force Author, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life P.O. Box 6216 Santa Fe, NM 87502 USA phone: +1 505-471-0129 August 22, 2023

This work is supported entirely by donations from individuals. The Cellular Phone Task Force is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and donations by U.S. residents are tax-deductible. Our Tax ID Number is 11-3394550.


The last 60 newsletters, including this one, are available for viewing and sharing on the Newsletters page of the Cellular Phone Task Force. Share also on Substack or Facebook.


First-ever Policy Brief on Electrosmog Issued


Media Contact: Kathleen Burke +1 505-255-0103 calls only


with guidance to governments, legislators, environmental organizations, schools, and religious, political and community leaders.


SANTA FE, N.M. – A growing list of environmental organizations worldwide are supporting a first-ever Policy Brief on Electrosmog for global application. The brief defines electrosmog as “the totality of the electric fields, magnetic fields, and electromagnetic radiation that bathes us 24/7 from all electrical and electronic devices, electric wires, power lines, and wireless devices and antennas.”

The document was developed in response to an emergency situation in which the irradiation of the earth is accelerating at such a rapid rate that it has become the single most urgent threat to life. The recommended actions to political leaders, government agencies, etc. provide a path to health and survival.

The document opens with key points, an introduction, and a purpose statement. It proceeds to essential actions that should be taken in order to counter this threat to our future, and concludes with a list of scientific references. It outlines elements of a suggested international treaty as well as actions that should be taken by governments, schools, churches, environmental organizations and others to address this emergency. The policy brief addresses radiation on land, in the oceans, and in space, and includes recommendations about wireless technologies, radar, and satellites.

Most governments defer for guidance on electrosmog to the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) or the World Health Organization, which also defers to ICNIRP. ICNIRP is not an environmental agency but rather “a self-appointed private organization with 14 members answerable to no one”. The policy brief prescribes that “RF radiation should be regulated transparently within each nation by their own environmental agencies based on the totality of science. It should be addressed within the UN not by the World Health Organization, but by the United Nations Environment Program, which presently does not address it at all”.

The lead author of the Policy Brief on Electrosmog, Arthur Firstenberg, is an American author who is educated in mathematics, physics, and medicine, and is the author of two books on this subject: The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life (White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green 2020), published in 11 languages, and Microwaving Our Planet: The Environmental Impact of the Wireless Revolution (NY: Cellular Phone Task Force 1997). He can be reached at


Electrosmog Policy Brief

Guidance to governments, legislators, environmental organizations, schools, and religious, political and community leaders. If your organization wishes to join in supporting this brief, please email us.

Key Points The study of electricity should be restored to biology and medicine. Personal wireless communication must be phased out because the radiation that carries all the messages is destroying life on earth. Mobile phones must be replaced with landline phones, WiFi with ethernet cables, and other wireless consumer devices with devices connected by wires and cables. Mobile phone antennas and masts must be phased out and removed. Wireless technology must be removed from vehicles. Smart meters must be replaced with analog meters. Smart highways, smart cities, and the Internet of Things must cease being developed and deployed. Radar stations must be limited in number, location and power. Radar (microwave) ovens should not be used for heating food. An international treaty on electrosmog, addressing radiation on land, in the oceans, and in space, must be drafted. Introduction

Electrosmog is the totality of the electric fields, magnetic fields, and electromagnetic radiation that bathes us 24/7 from all electrical and electronic devices, electric wires, power lines, and wireless devices and antennas. With wired communication, information is transmitted via the wires, and the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and radiation are unintentional. Proper engineering can reduce these unwanted fields and radiation to a minimum.

By contrast, with wireless communication, the radiation is the product. Radiation substitutes for wires in transmitting information. Wireless means radiation. The ability to use a mobile device everywhere on earth means that every square meter of the earth must be irradiated at all times. Mobile devices operate in the microwave spectrum, with the result that the entire planet is now swimming in a sea of microwave radiation that is millions to billions of times stronger than the radiation from the sun and stars with which life evolved (1).

Life is based not only on chemistry but more fundamentally on electricity (2, 3). The unimpeded flow of electrons is essential to the functioning of our nerves, heart, and metabolism (3). Interference with these electric currents causes neurological diseases, heart disease, metabolic diseases such as diabetes, and cancer (4). Organisms that have a very high metabolism, such as bees and other insects, are being wiped out (5, 6). Thousands of studies document the devastating effects of wireless radiation on mammals, birds, insects, amphibians, and forests (7).

Because EMFs are not a foreign substance to living beings, a toxicology model does not apply and there is not a dose response: reducing the power does not reduce the effect. Even a signal that is almost immeasurably weak can interfere with normal biological functioning (8). “While the dose rate/SAR concept is adequate for description of acute thermal effects, it is not applicable for chronic exposures to N[on]T[hermal] M[icro]W[aves].” (9). Even at near-zero power levels, microwave radiation has been found to change the structure of DNA (10) and alter brain waves (11). Some studies have even found an inverse dose response. When the power of the radiation was reduced 1000-fold, damage to the blood-brain barrier increased (12). A review of 113 studies found that radiation with the lowest power tended to cause the greatest ecological damage (5). In another review of 108 experimental studies, a lower exposure level tended to have a greater biological effect, and the difference was highly significant (p < 0.001) (13).

The damage done to our health and our world by wireless devices and their infrastructure is caused not only by the microwave carrier frequencies, but also by the low-frequency modulation and pulsations that carry the transmitted information. “Thus modulation can be considered as information content embedded in the higher frequency carrier wave that may have health consequences beyond any effect from the carrier wave directly” (14). No matter what the carrier wave, the modulation is the same because it has to carry the same information. Therefore using light as the carrier wave, as is being done over short distances with LiFi, or using sound as the carrier wave, as is being done in the oceans, does not reduce the harm.

The finding that only a single two-hour exposure to a mobile phone during their lifetime, even when the power of the phone was reduced 100-fold, caused permanent brain damage in young rats (15) makes it likely that we are raising, and perhaps have already raised, a generation of children with brain damage. There is no question but that this must cease, and that cell phones are not safe at any power level, at any distance from the head, and for any duration.

Purpose of This Document

This policy brief provides an overview of an immediate threat to life on earth—even more immediate than climate change—that has been allowed to get completely out of control because it has been completely ignored. The source of the threat is a technology to which everyone has become addicted, and which, during the past two and a half decades, has become firmly entrenched in every aspect of life. Although more scientific studies have been published on the health and environmental effects of EMFs than on almost any other pollutant except for mercury and tobacco smoke, the impact of all this research upon public policy to date has been zero. Average citizens still do not even know that a mobile device emits radiation. Much less do they suspect that it is causing them brain damage or threatening their life and their future on this planet. The purpose of this brief is to outline actions that are required to be taken by political leaders, religious leaders, environmental organizations, public schools, medical schools and doctors to educate the public and to begin to dismantle this existential threat to the earth.

Essential Actions Required by National and International Leaders and Organizations

I. An International Treaty or Convention on Electrosmog must be adopted by all nations

The number of antennas and their

Birds on Texel Island

Texel Island, early June, 2022

“The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” cried Chicken Little. And the sky fell, and no one listened, and all was still.

A scholarly literature search for “electromagnetic” + “biological effects” produces the astonishing number of 76,400 studies, more studies than for most other environmental threats, yet the world continues on, looking yet blind, listening yet deaf, mistaking silence for comfort, the advancing flames for a bright future.

On the Dutch island of Texel, being the south end of a line of islands separating the Wadden Sea from the North Sea, a large breeding colony of seabirds called Sandwich terns (“great terns” in Dutch) made headline news last month by dying. Of the 7,000 birds nesting in the De Petten nature reserve until the end of May, none were left by the middle of June. 3,000 avian corpses were collected, and the rest either died or abandoned their nests.

The correspondent who sent me this news, Antonia in the Netherlands, also sent me to a Dutch website that monitors all cell towers and antennas throughout the country. The tern catastrophe was being blamed on “bird flu” and she suspected something else might be going on. When I looked at the website I was floored. The first 35 dead terns at De Petten were found on May 29, 2022. There are three cell towers on the edge of the reserve, and actually in the territory which the terns inhabit. According to the website, 18 new 4G antennas had just been added to those towers – 6 by Vodafone to its 83-foot tower on May 25, 2022, and 12 by KPN to its 108-foot tower on May 29, 2022. The number of frequencies emitted by those two towers had increased overnight from 5 to 11.

In addition to having all those antennas right at the reserve, De Petten is located on the northern edge of a waterway that separates the North Sea from the Wadden Sea, and a large number of antennas on both sides of that waterway — the antennas in Den Helder to the south and the antennas on Texel to the north — are aimed at that busy waterway, which is intensely used by the ships that continually pass through it. Consequently, according to my research, there are a total of 105 4G antennas within 7 miles of De Petten that are aimed directly at it.

Were Texel’s Sandwich terns already in bad shape from all the radiation they had been exposed to in the last few years? And did the sudden increase in both the number of antennas and the number of frequencies finally kill them?

I decided to investigate further. What I have discovered, both in the Netherlands and elsewhere, is consistent but not simple. Here are some rough rules:

(a) A sudden dramatic increase in the number of antennas and frequencies whose source is within a breeding colony or on its border is lethal. Nesting birds cannot avoid the radiation; they must either abandon their nests or die.

(b) The effect of antennas aimed at a breeding colony from a distance depends on the human population. In a sparsely populated region, the antennas emit little radiation and few frequencies because few people are using them. By contrast, cell towers located in major ports are heavily used, both by residents and ships, and emit maximal radiation. The same is true of antennas aimed at heavily used shipping lanes.

(c) Distance does not matter as much as terrain and tower height. The radiation from a taller tower travels further. And when there is nothing but water between the tower and the bird colony, the water reflects and amplifies the signal and distance matters very little.

(d) 4G towers are generally worse than 5G towers. This is because 4G towers broadcast their radiation in all directions while 5G towers emit most of their radiation in focused beams, aimed directly at people holding 5G phones in their hands.

With these rules in mind, let us look at a few other breeding colonies of Sandwich terns and see what has happened to them this year:

Another large breeding colony of Sandwich terns made headlines a bit later, and for the same reason: the one at Waterdunen, at the opposite end of the Netherlands, in Zeeland province. Like De Petten, the Waterdunen nature reserve is located on a busy shipping lane at the entrance to a busy port. The largest colony of these birds in the Netherlands, Waterdunen hosted 7,000 pairs of terns that flew up from Africa to breed there this spring. But on June 24, 2022, it was reported that 4,600 dead adult and young Sandwich terns had been collected there during the previous two weeks. By the end of June, this colony no longer existed either.

The nature reserve at Waterdunen has 318 heavily-used 4G antennas aimed in its direction from distances of from 0.5 to 8 miles. Most of these emit between 1,000 and 2,000 watts of radiation each. 46 of these antennas are new, having been added to existing towers in April, May and June 2022. One 55-foot tower less than 2 miles down the beach from Waterdunen was upgraded on May 18, 2022 from 6 antennas to 12 and from 2 frequencies to 4. Another, 40-foot tower in the same location was upgraded on June 22, 2022 from 6 antennas to 18 and from 2 frequencies to 6. As Sandwich terns live on fish, those towers are within the foraging area for that colony.

Did the same thing happen to all nesting Sandwich terns in the Netherlands? No. Just 20 miles from Waterdunen was a small, healthy colony of terns at a nature reserve called Yerseke Moer. And from April to July, i.e. throughout the 2022 nesting season, this colony thrived and no dead birds were found there. Unlike De Petten and Waterdunen, this reserve is located in a relatively isolated place, is not near a major

Sea Birds' Last Refuges

Low-radiation reserve on Texel Island, early June 2023


All over the Earth, birds — symbols of freedom and joy — have been disappearing, and unless we stop killing them, they will never more enliven our skies and imaginations. They are terns, seagulls, avocets, gannets, skuas, guillemots, puffins, oystercatchers, ducks, geese, godwits, pheasants, magpies, sanderlings, storks, cranes, pelicans, herons, swans, loons, sparrows, pigeons, red-winged blackbirds, owls, cormorants, grebes, dunlins, crows, ravens, bald eagles, hawks, falcons, vultures, all of them vanishing from the landscapes of our homes, forests, sea coasts and minds. It rarely makes the news, and a world grown accustomed to ever-dwindling resources and diminishing life has not been paying attention. The warning of a Silent Spring, sounded sixty years ago like a trumpet’s blare, has shrunken from a year-round emergency to the almost-meaningless ritual of Earth Day, celebrated just once a year.

But last spring, during May and June, the world was awakened to shocking tales and heart-rending photographs of dead seabirds littering their breeding grounds all over the Northern Hemisphere, nowhere so vividly as in the De Petten Nature Reserve on the island of Texel in the Netherlands, where the corpses of Sandwich terns littered the ground as if they had fallen dead out of the sky in mid-flight:

Texel Island, early June 2022

Ornithologists and bird conservation organizations, reflexively, said to themselves and the world, “This must be bird flu,” and they dressed in hazmat suits and masks as they wandered among the avian graveyards with their specimen collectors and testing equipment, while ignoring obvious signs to the contrary. Bird flu, they pronounced, is so contagious and deadly that it travels round the world in days, spreads like water between species, and kills entire colonies in weeks. While ignoring the fact that two Dutch colonies of Sandwich terns just 20 miles apart during the same breeding season had completely different outcomes: Waterdunen, whose 7,000 nesting birds were completely wiped out, and Yerseke Moer, whose smaller colony suffered zero mortality. That in France, 3,000 Sandwich terns at Platier d’Oye were entirely killed while thousands of pairs of Sandwich terns at Polder de Sébastopol had no disease at all. That bird flu was an autumn and winter disease and had never before been known to occur in spring or summer. And that it had never before affected so many different kinds of birds at once.

But this was not “bird flu”, it was radiation sickness from cell towers, as documented in my newsletter of July 28, 2022. Eighteen new 4G antennas had been added to three cell towers located at De Petten, within the territory where the birds were breeding, just days before they began dying. And a large number of other antennas and towers were aimed at the reserve from across a busy shipping lane whose traffic made heavy use of those antennas. While Yerseke Moer is host to no cell towers, has far fewer antennas aimed at it, and is in an isolated location, not near a major port, and not on a shipping lane.

Similarly, in France, dozens of new 4G and 5G antennas had just been added to towers near and at the reserve at Platier d’Oye, located near the port of Calais, while the Polder de Sébastopol is on an isolated island with no towers, few human residents or visitors and far from any shipping traffic.

One year later

In August 2022, researchers were astonished to find that 600 pairs of Sandwich terns — at least some of whom had come from the colonies that had been wiped out — had decided to try again so late in the season. They laid their eggs and raised at least 300 young birds, successfully, during July and August in a new location on Texel Island, a beach at the Prince Hendrik Sand Dike, owned by the water authority, Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier (HHNK). And this spring in 2023, the Prince Hendrik Sand Dike is filled with almost 3,000 breeding pairs of Sandwich terns, while a second reserve — the island of De Bliek in the Haringvliet — has more than 2,000 breeding pairs. These two colonies, and five smaller colonies, total about half the number of Sandwich terns of previous years. They are thriving, but all of last spring’s disastrous breeding grounds, many of which had been the breeding grounds for this species for years or decades, have been abandoned. “It is striking: the areas with colonies that were heavily affected by bird flu last year remained vacant this year, including those of Waterdunen (ZL), Wagejot and De Petten on Texel (NH), Griend and De Putten near Camperduin (NH)”, wrote Ruud van Beusekom of Vogelbescherming Nederland (BirdLife Netherlands) on June 5, 2023.

Now everyone is assuming that the birds nesting successfully this year have acquired immunity from the H5N1 influenza virus. But the areas chosen this year by the Sandwich terns are lower-radiation areas. The Prince Hendrik Sand Dike, the only breeding ground for these birds this year on the island of Texel, is the quietest, least visited beach on the island. The nearest antennas are about 3 kilometers away, and because of the small number of visitors and ships they are little used and emit little radiation. Likewise De Bliek, in the Haringvliet, is an island with no people and no antennas in a closed waterway visited by few ships.

Another anomaly not explained by researchers is the fact that removing all dead birds from the colonies last year increased mortality: “Last year it appeared that collecting carcasses in colonies has a negative effect on the further spread of bird flu,” wrote Odessa Langeveld on May 12 of this year. In other words, leaving virus-infected carcasses to rot on the breeding grounds decreased the spread of the disease, while removing them increased its spread. But no one is considering that the teams of workers removing the carcasses on a daily basis were all

Racehorses at Churchill Downs

Horse named Lost in Limbo dies at Churchill Downs


Racehorses are among the most finely tuned, exquisitely sensitive creatures on earth. So what happens when you give them all cell phones to wear during a race? They start dropping like… well, horses.

That is exactly what started happening this spring at Churchill Downs in Louisville, home of the world-famous Kentucky Derby. Churchill Downs hosts three “meets” every year during which there are horse races four to five days a week — a spring meet lasting all of May and June; a September meet; and a fall meet throughout November. The spring meet this year at the Downs began on April 29 and was to continue until July 3. And beginning on April 29, and in every race on every day thereafter, every horse was fitted with a device they had never worn before. It is a wireless device, shaped like an iPhone, that fits into the cloth underneath the saddle on the horse’s back. Horses also began wearing these devices this spring during morning workouts.

This STRIDESafe device monitors the horse’s movements 2,400 times per second throughout the race, sending 2,400 pulses of radio frequency (RF) radiation every second through the body of the horse. It also contains a GPS component that communicates with global positioning satellites. It also communicates with the RFID chip implanted in the left side of every horse’s neck, ensuring that the chip also emits radiation throughout the race. And because every racehorse wears horseshoes made of aluminum, which is one of the best conductors, the frequencies that are conducted from both the STRIDESafe device and the RFID chip throughout the horse’s body are absorbed and reradiated by its four shoes. Each horse, then, carries not one but six continuously radiating antennas throughout each race at Churchill Downs. So with 14 horses normally competing in each race, there are 84 antennas among animals in close proximity to one another running around the track.And on April 29, 2023, horses racing at Churchill Downs began to die during races or suffer such severe injuries during races that they were euthanized. So many horses have died this spring that on June 2 it was announced that the spring meet at the Downs would be suspended as of June 10. Officials at Churchill Downs are panicked because horses racing there have died in much larger numbers this spring than ever before. In 2022, nationwide, about 1.25 deaths occurred for every 1,000 horses starting at the gate. But since April 29, 2023, 12 deaths have occurred among just 1,600 starts at Churchill Downs, a sudden and unprecedented 8-fold increase in racehorse mortality.

Officials have carefully inspected the track and every part of the racing grounds and have found no change in any part of it from previous meets, and no reason for horses to be more prone to injury or collapse. But they have the same blind spot as the rest of society: they treat wireless devices, and the radiation they emit, as if they do not exist.

The horse named Parents Pride simply collapsed and died for no apparent reason during a race on April 29. No drugs were found in her system, and no poisons. She was running normally before the race. No abnormalities were found in her heart, brain or lungs.

Code of Kings “flipped” and broke his neck in the paddock just prior to a race and was euthanized, also on April 29. The paddock, also called the parade ring, is where horses are paraded before a race so the racegoers can get a good look at them.

Take Charge Briana suffered catastrophic damage to her right foreleg during a race on May 2 and was euthanized.

Chasing Artie completed his race on May 2 and then collapsed and died on his way to the unsaddling area, for no apparent reason.

Chloe’s Dream suffered a “catastrophic injury” to his right knee during a race on Derby Day, May 6, and was euthanized.

Freezing Point fractured his left forelimb during a race on Derby Day, May 6, and was euthanized. His jockey said that he was not bumped during the race and that the track was in good condition.

Bosque Redondo finished his race on May 13 but was taken away in a horse ambulance and was euthanized due to unspecified injuries.

Rio Moon was at the finish line of a race on May 14 when he suffered a “catastrophic injury” to his left foreleg and then was euthanized.

Swanson Lake finished his race on May 20 but was immediately taken to a veterinarian where he was euthanized because of a “significant injury” to his left hind leg.

Lost in Limbo, the horse pictured at the top of this newsletter, was removed from the track near the finish of a race on May 26. He had crashed nose-first on the track and lay heaving in the dirt. He was so jittery even before the race that he threw his jockey before it started and bolted. After the race a veterinarian found a “significant injury” to his left front leg and he was euthanized.

Kimberley Dream ruptured a ligament in her left front leg during a race on May 27 and was euthanized.

And two days before the spring meet began, while training on the racetrack on April 27, Wild on Ice broke his left hind leg and was euthanized.

We have known for decades that horses’ lives are shattered by radio waves. Hearings were held in Christchurch, New Zealand, and racehorse trainer Penny Hargreaves spoke out in an interview published in 1998. An FM radio tower in Ouruhia had had such devastating effects on her 90 horses that she was forced to relocate them to a different part of Canterbury. All her horses were affected, some more than others, and two died.

“They were very nervous and jumpy,” she said. “They

Restore Health and Vitality from Ditching My Cell Phone - K. Burke

For the health and safety of all living beings, please read this newsletter only from a hardwired device with the deadly Bluetooth antenna and wireless turned OFF, or a printed hard copy. If these are not available to you, please begin taking the steps today to make them so.


A year ago, I was leading a normal, full, active life with no idea of the damage my mobile phone was doing to me. On July 1, 2022, I cancelled my mobile phone service (“cell phone” in the U.S) and turned off the wireless function on my computer as well as the modem. I made these changes at the request of my respected ally and colleague, Arthur Firstenberg. In order to work together I had to experience, first-hand, the shedding of wireless technology, and I had to be willing to “be the change”. It seemed extreme at the time, and as readers may recall, I even cried over the matter before making my final decision. But ten months into this experiment my life is different, and better.

When people ask me if I regret having given up my cell phone, my answer is unequivocally “No”. I don’t miss texting on a phone. I don’t miss GPS. I don’t miss reading news that some news aggregator selected for me. I don’t miss QR codes for this, that and everything else. I do not regret ridding myself of having a cell phone and I would not go back to having one.

I generally feel better… a lot better! Before the wireless purge I was waking up five-six times a night, walking to the bathroom only to urinate minimally and returning to bed; sometimes falling back to sleep, sometimes not. In the weaning off process, I began sleeping better and I now sleep deeply every night and wake up maybe once a night. I also had had chronic stomach aches in the early morning for ten years. Doctors ruled out acid reflux, ulcers, etc. The stomach aches are now gone, entirely. I had frequent nightmares, and I often had headaches upon waking. Those are all gone as well. I wake up happy now instead of lethargic and depressed. Who knew?

My energy level changed noticeably after giving up my phone. I went from long days surrounded by wireless technology which rendered me exhausted, to equally long workdays ending still healthy feeling and still energetic. Now I easily move from the end of the workday to getting on my bicycle or hiking boots and going, rather than languishing due to low energy. This is the primary reason I will not go back to wireless phone or wireless computer. My life, my living is that much better now. I haven’t needed acupuncture for several months. My prana is better. My chi is stronger.

Other things I have noticed: my hair is growing in healthier and I have noticed more new hair growth along my hairline. In my cell phone using days I lost a lot of hair. There was a one-year period, 2016-2017, when I engaged in a lot of high-stress work and carried two cell phones at the time. I lost about one third of the hair on my head during that period and my hair greyed at a rate faster than I had previously seen. At the time I believed that it was simply stress which caused my hair loss. Now, I see it differently. I believe it was the result of having two cellphones near me and in operation at nearly all times. Two cellphones in close proximity produce a tremendous amount of toxic, I call them “slow death”, microwaves, though in truth, for many people they are “fast death” microwaves; those causing cardiac events, for instance. My body reacted to all the radiation. My cells coped, but poorly. I am experiencing a recovery now. My weight has normalized, which would be expected if my cells are now functioning better.

Once I began weaning myself off the cellphone, prior to shutting off my service altogether, I only powered it on rarely. When I began that process, I noticed that when I looked at the screen while powering on the phone, I felt quick and sharp pains in my face.  They were subtle, but obvious, something like invisible low-pain darts hitting my face. I had never before felt these pains. I only felt them when I used the phone and only very briefly. I took that as a warning and further reason to get rid of the phone. I have not felt those pains again since except when the Bluetooth was accidentally turned back on in my computer for a few weeks—a few weeks during which my vision deteriorated for no reason that I could fathom until I realized the Bluetooth was on. I turned it off immediately and make sure that it is off every morning when I boot up.

The immediate effects from wireless are not noticed by most of us who have become accustomed to the damage microwave radiation is doing to us. Decreased health and vitality—and increased diseases and demand for medications—is thought of as “normal”. When I was carrying two cell phones I did not “feel” the effects they were having on my body. I didn’t “feel” my mitochondria.  I didn’t “feel” cell death. I didn’t relate the deterioration of my body to my use of devices. But that is what was happening. I was aging myself prematurely, unknowingly.

Before I cancelled my service, I spent two months deeply researching the effects of electromagnetic radiation on living beings. I read peer-reviewed studies, books, reports from scientists around the world, and more. I found references to thousands of such studies, both recent and dating back decades. I read Arthur’s book, The Invisible Rainbow, and the compelling history of the dangers of wireless technology as well as electricity, and their deadly



Destruction des cellules du cerveau Accident vasculaire cérébral Crises d’épilepsie Tremblements Sclérose en plaques SLA (sclérose latérale amyotrophique) Perte de mémoire Maladie d’Alzheimer précoce Crise cardiaque Maladie cardiaque Arythmie cardiaque Palpitations cardiaques Hypertension artérielle Douleur thoracique Cancer du cerveau Cancer du sein Cancer de la thyroïde Cancer du poumon Cancer de la prostate Cancer du côlon Cancer de l’ovaire Cancer du testicule Mélanome Obésité Diabète Hypothyroïdie Infections respiratoires Asthme Infertilité Avortement spontané Malformations congénitales Perte de cheveux Perte de couleur des cheveux Ostéoporose Fractures des os Constipation Diarrhée Douleurs oculaires Sécheresse oculaire Cataracte Décollement de la rétine Glaucome Diminution de l’odorat Acouphènes Perte d’audition Incapacité à se concentrer Maux de tête Insomnie Apnée du sommeil Cauchemars Fatigue Étourdissement Vertiges Nausées Syndrome du canal carpien Douleurs musculaires Douleurs articulaires Remplacement de la hanche Remplacement du genou Engourdissement Fourmillements Saignements de nez Irritabilité Nervosité Anxiété Dépression TDAH (Trouble du Déficit de l’Attention avec/sans Hyperactivité) Autisme Paranoïa Éruption cutanée Dépression chez les enfants Suicides d’enfants Crises cardiaques chez les jeunes Accidents vasculaires cérébraux chez les jeunes Cancers chez les animaux domestiques Réduction de la durée de vie des animaux domestiques Prolifération des tours de téléphonie cellulaire pour permettre aux téléphones portables de fonctionner Prolifération des satellites permettant le fonctionnement des téléphones portables Disparition des oiseaux Mort d’oiseaux Disparition des chauves-souris Disparition des insectes Disparition des vers Disparition des grenouilles Disparition des animaux sauvages Mort d’animaux sauvages Plantes mortes et mourantes Arbres morts et mourants Vie marine morte et mourante L’esclavage des enfants en République démocratique du Congo Génocide en République démocratique du Congo Extermination du gorille de plaine Génocide en Papouasie occidentale Pollution massive des eaux souterraines en Chine Énormes quantités d’électricité pour alimenter le nuage Énormes quantités de déchets toxiques Énormes quantités de plastique jeté Perte de contact avec la nature Isolement social Perte de contact avec la réalité

Arthur Firstenberg Président, Cellular Phone Task Force Auteur, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life [ou en français] Administrateur, Appel international demandant l’arrêt du déploiment de la 5G sur Terre et dans l’espace Gardien, ( End Cellphones Here On Earth) P.O. Box 6216 Santa Fe, NM 87502 USA +1 505-471-0129 12 avril 2023 Les 55 dernières lettres d’information peuvent être consultées et partagées sur la page des lettres d’information du groupe de travail sur la téléphonie cellulaire.   S’ABONNER   DON

100 Consequences of owning a cell phone


Destruction of brain cells Stroke Seizures Tremors Multiple sclerosis ALS Memory loss Early Alzheimer’s disease Heart attack Heart disease Cardiac arrhythmia Heart palpitations High blood pressure Chest pain Brain cancer Breast cancer Thyroid cancer Lung cancer Prostate cancer Colon cancer Ovarian cancer Testicular cancer Melanoma Obesity Diabetes Hypothyroidism Respiratory infections Asthma Infertility Spontaneous abortion Birth defects Hair loss Hair losing color Osteoporosis Broken bones Constipation Diarrhea Eye pain Dry eyes Cataracts Retinal detachment Glaucoma Decreased sense of smell Tinnitus Hearing loss Inability to concentrate Headaches Insomnia Sleep Apnea Nightmares Fatigue Dizziness Vertigo Nausea Carpal tunnel syndrome Muscle pains Joint pains Hip replacement Knee replacement Numbness Tingling Nosebleeds Irritability Nervousness Anxiety Depression ADHD Autism Paranoia Skin rash Depression in children Suicides by children Heart attacks in young people Strokes in young people Cancers in pets Shortened lives of pets Proliferation of cell towers to enable cell phones to work Proliferation of satellites to enable cell phones to work Disappearance of birds Deaths of birds Disappearance of bats Disappearance of insects Disappearance of worms Disappearance of frogs Disappearance of wildlife Deaths of wildlife Dead and dying plants Dead and dying trees Dead and dying marine life Child slavery in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Genocide in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Extermination of the lowland gorilla Genocide in West Papua Massive pollution of groundwater in China Enormous amount of electricity to power the cloud Enormous amounts of toxic waste Enormous amounts of discarded plastic Loss of touch with nature Social isolation Loss of touch with reality


Arthur Firstenberg, President Cellular Phone Task Force Author, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life Administrator, International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space Caretaker, ECHOEarth (End Cellphones Here On Earth P.O. Box 6216 Santa Fe, NM 87502 USA phone: +1 505-471-0129 April 12, 2022

Help us continue our work. Donations from US residents are tax-deductible. The Cellular Phone Task Force is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our Tax ID number is 11-3394550.


The last 55 newsletters, including this one, are available on the Newsletters page of the Cellular Phone Task Force.  Share on Facebook: f


Amphibians in the Mine

Communication towers inside Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Preserve


“Amphibians were here when the dinosaurs were here, and they survived the age of mammals. If they’re checking out now, I think it is significant.”

 –   David Wake, Director of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, 1990

They are ancient animals with abilities to survive beyond belief. They live both in water and on land. They can breathe through their skin. They can regenerate limbs and organs. They don’t get cancer. They have been around for 365 million years, and have survived four mass extinctions during the history of life on Earth. Yet today, they are disappearing more rapidly than any other class of animals. By their death, they are screaming: Turn off your cell phones! Now, before it is too late!

Even before cell phones, the proliferation of radio and TV towers, radar stations, and communication antennas in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s began killing off these most hardy, well-adapted, and important forms of life.

The northern leopard frog, Rana pipiens – the North American green frog that croaked from every marsh, pond and creek when I was growing up — was already extremely rare by the end of the 1980s. In the Colorado and Wyoming Rocky Mountains, boreal toads used to be so numerous that, in the words of Paul Corn of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, “You had to kick them out of the way as you were walking down the trail.” By 1990 they were difficult to find at all. Boreal chorus frogs on the shores of Lake Superior, once innumerable, were extremely rare by 1990. In the 1970s David Wake could turn up eighty or more salamanders under the bark of a single log in a pine forest near Oaxaca, Mexico. In the early 1980s he returned and was able to find maybe one or two after searching the forest all day. Until 1979 frogs were abundant and diverse at the University of São Paulo’s field station at Boracea, Brazil, according to Stanley Rand of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. But when he returned in 1982, of thirty common frog species, six had disappeared entirely and seven had decreased in number drastically. In 1974 Michael Tyler of Adelaide, Australia discovered a new frog species that brooded its young in its stomach. It lived in a 100-square-kilometer area in the Conondale Ranges, 60 kilometers north of Brisbane, and was so common that he could collect a hundred in a single night. By 1980 it was extinct. The golden toad lived only in a 320-acre stunted forest in Costa Rica’s supposedly pristine, protected Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve. In the early 1980s Marc Hayes of the University of Miami typically counted 500 to 700 males at one of the species’ breeding sites. After 1984 that site never had more than a dozen males. At another site Martha Crump observed a thousand males in 1987, but only one in 1988 and another single male frog in 1989. Today the species is extinct.

In 1990, when I began researching this magical class of vertebrates, there were not many amphibians left in all of Europe. Out of more than five thousand known species worldwide, about a dozen were doing well.

By the time I wrote Microwaving Our Planet in 1996, every species of frog and toad in Yosemite National Park had become scarce. Seventy-five species of the colorful harlequin frogs that once lived near streams in the tropics of the Western Hemisphere from Costa Rica to Bolivia had not been seen in a decade. Of the 50 species of frogs that once inhabited the Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve, 20 were already extinct.

Similar population crashes were occurring in North, Central and South America, Europe, and Australia. Only in Africa and Asia, when I wrote that book, were amphibians doing well. That has since changed. On March 15, 2023, a team of 19 American scientists published a paper titled “Continent-wide recent emergence of a global pathogen in African amphibians.” Amphibians, say the authors, were doing fine on the dark continent until about the year 2000 — which coincidentally is when telecommunications companies began lighting up that continent with cell phone signals in earnest.

A couple of years earlier, in December 1997, I had published an article titled “The Informationization of the Third World.” I quoted President Clinton, who had lamented that “More than half the world’s people are a two days’ walk from a telephone.” I highlighted Bangladesh, where there were plans to bring cell phones to 40,000 of the country’s 68,000 villages over the next four years. In Africa, where several countries still had less than one conventional phone per one thousand people, some two dozen countries were introducing cellular systems. The debate, in the world’s press, was about what this would do to the traditional village, and whether this was a desirable thing from a cultural point of view. I took a broader view:

“An even more important question is what will happen to nature? Can nature survive at all in a distanceless world? I think the answer, if ecologists and environmentalists brought their knowledge to bear, would be a resounding no. Biodiversity depends on distance. What is not often acknowledged is that cultural diversity also depends on distance, and that culture is nature-based. Local dialects, and local handicrafts, and local dress, and local economies, and local varieties of crops, and local varieties of plants and animals — i.e. local ecosystems — depend on the village’s being a two days’ walk from a telephone. The most basic reason for the disappearance of species is that very few of them can withstand the global exploitation that must come when there is instantaneous transportation and communication.”

And then there is the radiation. The effects of microwave radiation in Africa, as cell towers began serving larger numbers of its residents, are now apparent: amphibians have been

The Great


In 1918, just 15 years after the Wright Brothers took their first flights, American soldiers in France were describing clouds that sometimes formed behind airplanes. Captain Ward S. Wells, for example, wrote from the Bois de Hess, behind Montfaucon (Scientific American, June 7, 1919, p. 601):

There were two or three days of rain, when came a wonderfully clear and beautiful morning with not a cloud in sight… Our attention was first drawn to the sky by the sudden appearance of several strange and startling clouds — long, graceful, looping ribbons of white. They were tapering to a point at one end… On close observation we noticed some distance ahead of each cloud point the tiny speck of a chase plane. Apparently the churning of the air was all that was needed to upset the delicately balanced meteorological conditions and precipitate this strange cloud formation. 

German geophysicist, meteorologist and astronomer Alfred Wegener, who first advanced the theory of continental drift, also described persistent contrails. Writing in January 1920, he described a cloud 50 kilometers long that formed behind three airplanes that flew over Munich, and explained the physics behind it.

On May 9, 1919, and again on May 11, German pilot Zeno Diemer, flying at an altitude of 30,000 feet, at a temperature of about -50⁰ C, noticed the formation of a cloud stream that extended for about forty miles behind his plane. Each time, this stream gradually spread out to form a cloud layer that was about 3,000 feet thick. (Luftfahrt, Mai 1919, p. 17; Nature, May 3, 1930, p. 693). 

As the technology improved and airplanes began flying at ever higher, colder altitudes, persistent contrails became more common. By the beginning of World War II, airplanes flying above 30,000 feet, as commercial airplanes do today, often left long, thickening clouds trailing behind them. In February 1942, French aviation pioneer and famed author Antoine Saint-Exupéry published Flight to Arras, a memoir of his service flying high-altitude combat missions against Nazi Germany in 1939 and 1940. He described the challenges of his reconnaissance missions, including the cold that could freeze the controls of his aircraft, and the anxiety of knowing his plane was trailing a white streamer that pinpointed his position for enemy fighters and gunners. Saint-Exupéry wrote:

The German on the ground knows us by the pearly white scarf which every plane flying at high altitude trails behind like a bridal veil. The disturbance created by our meteoric flight crystallizes the watery vapor in the atmosphere. We unwind behind us a cirrus of icicles. If the atmospheric conditions are favorable to the formation of clouds, our wake will thicken bit by bit and become an evening cloud over the countryside. 

This was a problem for every nation. Flight Lieutenant M. V. Longbottom of Britain’s Royal Air Force, after consulting with a French meteorologist, wrote a report titled “Condensation Trails at High Altitudes,” in which he wrote that contrails will form under conditions of low temperature and high humidity. Under these conditions, he wrote, “the rapidly expanding gases from the exhausts” of the plane cause “sudden condensations to form in [the plane’s] wake.” This also meant that there might be layers in the atmosphere some of which would support contrail formation while others would not. And indeed this was the experience of the fighter pilots: when heavy contrails started forming behind them, they could sometimes stop their formation by descending one or two thousand feet.

Between 1928 and 1931, America’s top airman, General Henry H. Arnold, directed a project whose objective was finding a way to reduce aircraft vulnerability to enemy gunners by dissipating their contrails.

And in September 1942, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics issued a report on condensation trails explaining how and why they form, and that their persistence depends on temperature and humidity at that altitude.

Not only the higher altitude of airplanes, but the introduction of jet fighters during World War II made persistent vapor trails commonplace in the sky. They became a common feature also in peacetime skies after commercial jets became common during the 1960s.

Donald R. Baucom published a two-part history of contrails through 1945: “Wakes of War: Contrails and the Rise of Air Power, 1918-1945”, Air Power History, Summer 2007, pp. 16-31, and Fall 2007, pp. 4-21.

Here is a photograph from World War II, in which the exhaust clouds behind fighter planes blended together and covered the sky:

Here is another, from the 1957 book, Air Force: A Pictorial History of American Airpower by Martin Caidin, p. 100 :






Here is a 1953 photo by Ansel Adams, titled“Rails and Jet Trails”:








A production photo from the movie Spartacus, taken in Thousand Oaks, California in 1959:





A scene from the 1959 movie Battle Hymn with Rock Hudson:





Plate 113 from the 1967 book, Cloud Studies in Colour by Richard Scorer and Henry Wexler:





And Plate 11.4.1 from the 1972 book, Clouds of the World: A Complete Colour Encyclopedia by Richard Scorer:



I have a lot of such pictures from the past. But the most vivid are the ones engrained in my memory from my freshman year at college. Air traffic was exploding in the skies over upstate New York. It was 1968, as I sat high in the bell tower overlooking Ithaca. The tunes I was playing on the Cornell chimes rang out over the campus, and spilled down the hill into town. After my morning concert, I gathered up my books, descended the 162 steps, and hiked down into the bottom of Triphammer Gorge to study.

As I lay on my rock drinking in the early freshness of the breeze and the unbroken blue of the sky,

Worldwide testimonies about smart meters







Five weeks ago, I asked people to email the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (PRC) about their experiences with smart meters. Heartbreaking testimonies poured in from around the world. Stories about catastrophic effects on the health and lives of adults, children, the elderly, pets, farm animals, birds, wild animals, insects, worms, plants, neighbors, workers and entire communities.

Below are excerpts and summaries of some of the 271 testimonies that are posted on the public comments page of the PRC’s website (requires registration to view). If you have stories to add and you have not yet sent them to the PRC, please email them to: New Mexico PRC <>. Write “Case No. 22-00058-UT” in the Subject line. Be sure to also send a copy to me at We need all the help we can get to preserve New Mexico as a refuge from smart meters, and as an example to the world. 

Jennifer Andree is a New Mexico resident who was severely injured by a smart meter “that has completely devastated my life.” She is a nurse and a veteran who knew nothing about smart meters until she was injured by one. This occurred on Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico. “For three and one-half months,” she writes, she slept with her head approximately one foot away on the other side of a wall from an electrical panel containing two electric smart meters. “Anything that carries an electric current or emits any radiation” now causes her headaches, brain fog, and internal burning. “I can no longer tolerate living in an urban environment,” she writes, “so I have moved to South Dakota, to a cleaner environment in the country. Because of the harms I was exposed to, I am separated from my family, which has contributed to my suffering… I have a nursing license, but can no longer work in my profession.”

Maryann McCabe writes from the UK: “From the time [the smart meter] was turned on, I could not walk around in my flat, I could not write an email, I could not think and I could not sleep. It was an absolute nightmare until it was switched off.”

Harriet Greene, formerly of New Mexico, writes: “I was able to opt out and keep my old meter. Everybody I talk to who was forced to accept smart meters has complained of numerous effects.”

Lauren Bond writes, “Smart meters were installed in my building, and the radiation they emit inside apartments creates for myself, a constant burning pain to my skin.”

Jeanne Thompson writes from California: “My mother died of a massive brain tumor caused by a row of six Smart Meters outside her condo, on the wall where the head of her bed was. We discovered this after she had already passed. You can imagine my shock and horror at that realization.”

Dr. Linda Thomas writes, “I have seen hideous debility in adults and children secondary to Smart Meters being installed in my area.” These include absence seizures in a 2-year-old boy and chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia in his mother.

Mario Desira writes from Malta: “Back in 2017 my electrical meter caught fire and nearly caused a house fire. Luckily I was at home and intervened before anything worse happened.”

Persephone Maywald writes from California that she was diagnosed with suspected Parkinson’s disease a few months after a smart meter was installed, and that she later had the meter replaced and within a few weeks all her symptoms disappeared.

Simone St. Clare writes from California that since a smart meter was installed, there have been almost no hummingbirds at her feeders and a decrease in caterpillars in her garden.

Deirdre Novella writes from New York that her hair started falling out within a few months of a smart meter being installed at her place of work, that she was diagnosed with leukemia, and that she developed a lifelong allergy to electricity.

Sheila Reavill, who works as an electromagnetic radiation specialist (“EMRS”) in Georgia, writes that after smart meters were installed, “the smart meter signature I logged [on her radio frequency meter] in my bedroom was at the precise times I wake up at night”; that her next door neighbor and her neighbor’s daughter wake at the exact same time she does every night; that her border collie began having skin problems and would wake up whimpering at the exact same time also; and that she and her dog both wake up at that same time with diarrhea.

Rebeca Randle writes from California that while she had a smart meter she could not sleep and there were no birds; and that when the smart meter was removed, the birds came back.

Robert Workman, an EMRS in Missouri, writes: “I have confirmed injuries from wireless radiation and the Smart meter seems to be the most damaging to me and my clients. Once the ITRON electronic meter is removed many of my clients have an immediate response to an improved health. This meter has been torture to myself and others in St Louis, it is my professional opinion this meter kills all biological life.”

Health practitioner Diane Peterson writes from California that “For the majority [of people], they suddenly developed symptoms and only later discovered that the symptoms began immediately after the smart meter was installed.”

Sema Kelly writes: “My friend’s neighbor had a smart meter put in. She didn’t know it had such dangers, but soon found out her chickens in the yard had huge tumors growing on their throats and body. The eggs they laid were odd shapes and colors, and the chickens appeared to be tired, which was not ever seen prior to the installments of the smart meters.”

Andre Fayolle writes that a smart meter gave his family headaches, caused the animals, birds and insects to disappear, and caused a fire that burned down his house.

Karen Crenshaw writes from

Ecocide from space


On the evening of Thursday, December 8, 2022, OneWeb launched 40 satellites from Cape Canaveral, Florida, bringing the total number of active satellites in orbit around the Earth to more than 7,000. These cell towers in space are altering the electromagnetic environment of the entire planet and are debilitating and exterminating all life on it.

Even the first fleet of 28 military satellites launched by the United States caused a worldwide pandemic of influenza when they became operational on June 13, 1968. The Hong Kong flu began in June 1968, lasted through April 1970, and killed up to four million people worldwide. To understand why requires a proper understanding of our connection to the universe and what it is that really gives us life and health, and makes our bodies move. In a sense, we are all puppets on invisible strings that connect us to heaven and earth, strings that resonate at the age-old frequencies of the biosphere in which we live, the space between Earth and Sky, whose dimensions never change. And when we modulate and pulsate those strings at random from thousands of locations in space, we change the beautiful music of the earthly orchestra into a discordant chaos that scatters bodies all over the world, helpless before it.

On March 24-25, 2021, the chaos was brought to a new level, that the world now accepts as normal. In that 24-hour period, a record 96 satellites were launched into space on a single day—60 by SpaceX and 36 by OneWeb—and on the same day SpaceX dramatically increased the speed of its satellite internet connections. On that day, people all over the world suddenly could not sleep, were weak and exhausted, had muscle spasms, and hurt and itched all over, especially in their feet and legs. They had skin rashes, were dizzy and nauseous, and had stomach aches and diarrhea. The ringing in their ears was suddenly amplified. Their eyes were inflamed, and their vision suddenly worsened. They had heart arrhythmias, and their blood pressure went out of control. Some had nosebleeds, or coughed up blood. They were anxious, depressed or suicidal, and irritable. Their cats, dogs, chickens, goats and cows were sick at the same time.

My newsletter of April 15, 2021, Survey Results, quoted from some of the thousand letters I received from people young and old, from people who called themselves electrosensitive and from people who did not, from people who had no wireless technology and from people who had smart meters and 5G antennas outside their homes and who emailed me from their cell phones, all reporting the same experiences, commonly reporting that not only they, but their spouse, children, parents, neighbors, friends, coworkers, clients, and everyone else they knew were sick, exhausted and irritable on March 24 or 25 and had trouble sleeping. The reports came from 42 states and 50 countries.

Deaths of blue titmice spiked in Germany beginning on March 25, 2021. March 25 registered the second highest number of COVID-19 deaths in 2021, and the fifth highest since the pandemic began. The number of mass shootings in the US rose suddenly on March 25 and remained high for three weeks. An average of 6 shootings involving 4 or more victims occurred every day between March 25 and April 13. Photographs of hundreds of worms, and of hundreds of sheep, moving silently in perfect spirals, were taken on March 25 and March 26.

Long-term pain, sickness, and debility has become so common that it is now accepted as a normal part of life that the world thinks it can address with endless vaccinations, mask-wearing, and the wiping of all hands and surfaces with toxic disinfectants.

Last week, on December 8, 2022, on the day OneWeb launched satellites that will expand its coverage across the US, Europe, the Middle East and Asia, I experienced within my body, and heard from some other people both locally and far away that the pains and debilities from which we have been suffering at some level for the past 20 months suddenly intensified. I was almost crippled for three days. As on March 24-25, 2021, I would like to find out how widespread this is. Please reply to this email if you have experienced something similar. 

Although SpaceX and OneWeb are (so far) building the largest fleets of Earth-destroying satellites, they are far from the only entities launching them. The 7,000 satellites presently operating were launched by governments or private companies of the following countries:

Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, European Space Agency, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait,  Laos, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Monaco, Morocco, Multinational, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam

And they were launched from the following spaceports:

Baikonur Cosmodrome (Kazakhstan) Cape Canaveral (Florida, USA) Dombarovsky Air Base (Russia) Guiana Space Center (French Guiana) Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center (Inner Mongolia, China) Kodiak Launch Complex (Alaska, USA) Kwajalein Island (Marshall Islands) Naro Space Center (South Korea) Pacific Ocean (from Odyssey Sea Launch vessel) Palmachim Launch Complex (Israel) Plesetsk Cosmodrome (Russia) Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 (New Zealand) Satish Dhawan Space Centre (India) Shahroud Missile Range (Iran) Svobodny Cosmodrome (Russia) Taiyuan Launch Center (China) Tanegashima Space Center (Japan) Uchinoura Space Center (Japan) Vandenberg Air Force Base (California, USA) Vostochny Cosmodrome (Russia) Wallops Island Flight Facility (Virginia, USA) Wenchang Satellite Launch Center (China) Xichang Satellite Launch Center (China) Yellow Sea (from a mobile sea platform) 

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The European Union just got into the act with its own program to