This lawsuit, originally filed January 4, 2010, has been to the New Mexico Court of Appeals and back, and is still ongoing. The Plaintiff, Arthur Firstenberg, filed a new Notice of Appeal on December 27, 2016. As of October 18, 2017, we are waiting for the Court of Appeals to act.

On May 21, 2014, the opening brief of Firstenberg v. Monribot was filed with the New Mexico Court of Appeals. The suit contests a New Mexico state district court’s dismissal of a case asserting the right to a safe home environment for persons disabled by electromagnetic radiation.

The appeal is being brought as the state district court had summarily dismissed the case after the plaintiff, a person who is severely injured by exposure to radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic radiation, refused to be subjected to that radiation repeatedly over many months in a court-ordered regimen of provocation testing. On June 2, 2014, an amicus brief representing 94 organizations worldwide was filed by attorney Dafna Tachover in support of the plaintiff. The amicus brief attests to the fact that RF radiation has deleterious health effects, immediate and long-term, which cause disabling and even life-threatening consequences for some people.

This is another crucial case seeking to have already established human rights honored for those adversely affected by artificial electromagnetic phenomena.

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